Seclusion thoughts "Well, surprise us then Doctor, we've been to many places why don't you tell us about somewhere new then?" she asked him watching his behaviour again as she picked up certain traits, she paid attention to detail especially when it came to people. The feast went on through the night with entrainment ranging from dancing to singing to plays and music the elders told stories and the Doctor was even invited to tell another one later on. It was a lively event but when the dawn began to appear it was time to clean up. Seclusion picked up Tamar and asked him to do some for her while she put her little sister to bed. Hurrying back she looked up again and sniffed the air something was going to happen and she could sense it, good or bad she wasn't sure but something was to happen soon. "Oi, Doctor that TARDIS of yours has fallen asleep" shouted one of them. "You won't be travelling until she wakes up then" he laughed and Seclusion shook her head "More like he won't be leaving until he's 100% otherwise that would be very poor care from the doctors here" she frowned before she helped with putting away everything, it was a lot of work and it took until mid morning before everyone could get back to bed in order to rest for a few hours before they would get back to their normal lives here in the village. Seclusion made sure he went to bed and gave him another dose of the anti-dote, a less potent one though to ensure it was definitely all out of his system. "It's not as potent so you won't feel ill later on but it'll get rid of any poison that remains also show me the wound on your shoulder, i better make sure that it's still not infected" she said to him and once she had a look and nipped her finger tips with her own teeth and small threads stitched up the wound "Ok then, that should keep it closed and reduce the pain, the other stitches that were done weren't permanent and these ones will vanish once it's completely healed.