The Doctor smiled "Well alright." he knew they must be excited to hear about his journeys He wasn't sure what ones they would enjoy. He was feeling sure that they would enjoy most stories. He shared as many of them as he could. His journeys with Rose to the parallel universe. Even the times where had lost companions in the end due to things that happened. He even spoke about when Jenny had been created, tears slipped at some moments, But he did smile at other memories, Even some of his adventures with Donna caused a tone of amusement and joy to show through. His best trips had been with the ones he cared about. The Doctor helped them clean up, he was tired by then. His eye lids had been dropping. He smiled upon hearing the TARDIS was alseep "Ah the old girl deserves a break not to worry." He yawned. He was sure that he would be told he needed to rest and recover more. He was missing travelling. Though he was far from well enough to travel. He yawned a bit more. The Doctor was too tired to remember about his medicine. He was glad she did. He was looking at her. He takes the antidote. He rubbed his eyes. "Hopefully I'll be well soon, I hate been drianed and sick." He was sure that he never wanted to be posioned again "Never getting posioned again or sick, at least not if I can help it." He curled up in covers when he was in bed. It had been a long day, He was soon asleep and slept for awhile after that. His body needing to rest.