[b]AIF- Mars[/b] As a younger CSI agent finishes searching a wardrobe, closing the door, he found himself suddenly on the floor, as the doors burst open, and a Supreme-Draconian stood in front of him. With a wave of the Supreme's hand, the CSI agent fell into a sound sleep, and the Supreme found himself in a room of potential hostiles. [i]"Holster weapons, I come with good intentions. I will get straight to the point here, after I bow."[/i] He bows from the waist, and then continues. [i]"I can bring back President Dmitri. We, as in the Supremes, had taken DNA samples, and an imprint of his mental state and type. We could bring him back, but he will have a few quirks, which can be helped by introducing himself to his past, so that he may remember it on his own. Good, yes?"[/i] [b]AIF- Rebellion[/b] As such platforms were taken over and used against the AIF, they would quickly find themselves frozen, inside a bubble of cryo-stasis that covered the entire station, Corvette formations orbiting the stations to ensure that they remained in stasis. These Corvette formations would fold into the area of captured AIF stations [because the AIF has crappy firewalls, in the Supremes' opinion], finding them by way of checking for stations that aren't responding, or are firing without authorization. After some time, a Corvette would break off, and dock with the station. Supreme-Spiders would board, and without being affected by cryostasis, they would systematically inject all rebels, or suspected rebels, with a paralyzation/controlled coma serum. They would be very thorough, taking each injected human back to the Corvette, placing them in their own cryostasis pods, and only once they were sure that it was completely empty, they would disembark, and leave the station, leaving it covered in ice and filled with frozen particles, too cold an environment for a human without an exosuit.