Sam closes the door behind Mika as she exited their room, and headed back to AnnaBeth, watching as she guzzled down the drink Mika hadn't long dropped off for her. When she said about Castiel wanting to kill their unborn child made him suddenly frown and wrap his arms around her, placing one hand on the back of her head in a comforting manner. Kissing the top of her head, he looked down into her eyes. "Cas won't come near our daughter. I know he's stubborn when it comes to things like this, but I will get my own way with this. We won when it came to the kid a few weeks back who was the anti christ- or so Cas said. We'll get our way again." He said first and foremost. When it came to his brother, he couldn't deny that Dean was probably fearful of the baby, it was something new to them all, but at the end of the day this child was a Winchester. That should make Dean just as protective as they are of this child and AnnaBeth. "Dean will come round. It's something new and he doesn't do 'new' exactly well to begin with. But he knows just as we do, that she's a Winchester, and Winchesters do nothing better than to protect their own. Dean will do the same for you, because as far as we're concerned you are an Winchester. As Bobby once said to us- family don't end in blood." Sam explained to her. "Now.. let's not worry about it for the time being..." He told her, knowing that they had to stop being worried for just a little while, or they'll go stark raving mad with the worry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mika noticed Castiel's glare at her and she suddenly came over confused. [i]"What the hell did I do?"[/i] she thought to herself, finding it a real surprise that Castiel would just suddenly start giving her glares for what she considered for no reason. [i]"that Angel will never fail to confuse me"[/i] she thought one more time, before shaking off her thoughts mentally. "Okay.. I'm not even bother asking what the hell this is all about because quite frankly, I don't wanna know. This is a rest bite moment, so I don't wanna have to be worried or concerned or confused for just like... ten minutes.." She told the boys, and when Dean agreed that they all needed a break, she smiled and nodded, just before Castiel just stomped off and passed her and finally out of the motel room. She just shook her head and walked over to Dean, but not before grabbing her food, a pair of chopsticks and a diet soda bottle. Mika sat down in the chair that was nearby Dean and opened her little take out box and went to tuck in. [i]"Castiel wants to be a threat to the child, you must stop him when the time comes..."[/i] the familiar voice in her head told her, she wanted to tell it to shut the hell up and ask it how it knew of this information, but she was in company of Arik and Dean. Now was not the time to start talking to a voice inside her head. Dean would go berserk if he found out this secret of hers.