Muse kept his eyes on the ground as he soared over the landscape. He could sense where the roleplayers resided, but only vaguely. Once he figured out which roleplays contained any, he’d still have to jump in and search for them. He banked a right as he sensed one in a nearby setting, keeping his eyes open for anything out of the ordinary, but it didn’t take him long to realize what sort of roleplay lay below him. [i]Wait… is this a…[/i] His flight slowed as he spotted a human standing out amongst the quadrupeds in the Equestrian fields. [i]Yeaaah… welp, better start with the easy ones.[/i] he told himself. He began to descend, and as he did, Muse assumed another form more fitting for the setting, letting his human-like body quickly transform into that of an off-black pegasus pony. [i]Been a while since I had to use a body like this.[/i] he thought, stretching out his limbs somewhat as he stepped onto the ground only a few paces behind Ebil. “S’cuse me, but uh… he’s with me.” Muse spoke up as he approached the orange unicorn, putting himself between the two. “It’s my job to search for things like him,” he began, technically not lying. “Because I’m a… a searcher!” he exclaimed, turning to the side to reveal the magnifying glass cutie mark on his flank that he’d truthfully only just added to his pony self. “Yup! I search for things. Like him.” He grinned, before turning back to Ebil and whispering, “I’ll get ya out of here, man. Don’t you worry.”