[center] ~Appearance~ [/center] [center] [img] http://data1.whicdn.com/images/60976247/large.png [/img] [/center] [center] ~Name~ [/center] [center] Taylor Boyd Petterson [/center] [center] ~Age~ [/center] [center] 16 [/center] [center] ~Year~ [/center] [center] 6th [/center] [center] ~House~ [/center] [center] Ravenclaw [/center] [center] ~Personality~ [/center] [center] Taylor is typically quiet, but she can be very vocal when she wants. She's usually at her most vocal when someone is being used or mistreated. She's drawn to the Forbidden Forest for its peace and sense of mystery. Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures are her favorite classes because she enjoys being able to hold her own and she loves all things related to animals. She can be very aggressive when people are being rude or hateful, but when not provocked, she is very calm. She tries to keep a level head at all times, but she's known to have a temper. She also tries to keep her past hidden. [/center] [center] ~Likes~ [/center] [center] +Animals [/center] [center] +Dark, Quiet Places [/center] [center] +Reading [/center] [center] +Being Alone (most of the time) [/center] [center] +Helping Others [/center] [center] +Practicing Spells [/center] [center] ~Dislikes~ [/center] [center] -Bullies [/center] [center] -Large Groups [/center] [center] -Judgment [/center] [center] -Divination [/center] [center] -Having to Talk to People [/center] [center] -Her Family [/center] [center] ~History~ [/center] [center] Taylor was born to a Muggle family, but the fact that she was a Witch wasn't the only reason she was hated in her small town in Tennessee. She liked girls, and that was always a problem. Of course, at 11, it's not really possible to say for certain what gender a child will be attracted to. However, it was clear enough when she came home from her second year at Hogwarts. Her best friend Raven soon became more than a friend during that summer, and when Taylor returned to Hogwarts for her third year, she was truly happy. That changed when she came home for Christmas though. The town had turned on Raven and turned much more quickly on Taylor, for she was an outsider now. (Of course, they didn't know about her being a witch.) Raven's father tried to hit his daughter, but Taylor stepped in. But eventually both of their families turned on them as well. Leaving at the end of the holidays was the hardest thing Taylor ever had to do, leaving the girl she loved at the mercy of that town. It barely surprised her when she received the letter saying Raven had killed herself, but it [i] did [/i] break her heart. She was devastated. That was when she withdrew back into her shell. No one at Hogwarts knew though- or at least hardly anyone did. A few people may have guessed. The Potions teacher knew. She liked him pretty well. She had tried to slit her arm with [i] Diffindo [/i], but then she panicked and found the first professor around. Being in the dungeon, that was naturally the Potions Master. Everything was okay now though. She still had the scar, and it reminded her every day of what she lost and what she still had left to lose. [/center] [center] ~Animagus~ [/center] [center] In the process of learning to turn into a flying fox. [/center]