I'd like to GM a sort of hunger games, set in the present time where the United States is split back into its original 13 colonies due to an abrupt police state takeover. Each colony has to compete for resources. Similar to the series, there are wealthy colonies and poorer, some fighters very well trained and some, well.. The odds aren't quite in their favor. Depending on how many people I get interested depends on how many characters will play in the games. I would like minor characters too such as sponsors, but I'll take the roles if I need to. They'll be open to take if your character parishes. Remember, there can be only one winner.. If you want to co-gm, message me. My name is Omi, you probably don't know me but I would love to role play with you. So be interested, and I'll pull some sort of lavish plot out of my arse custom-to-character style. \m/