Pretty much what the title says. It's a strategy forum game. The premise is that the world of RoGuilcom was once at peace, until the nation of Spam was split into four different sub-nations that had been gifted by the God Mahz to different warlords, each naming the sub-nation after themselves. Two of the warlords became greedy and attacked the other two for their nations, not expecting a defense already set up just incase such a thing were to happen. The two defending warlords formed a treaty until their enemies were defeated, the offense did the same. That is where the game will begin. So, people who join will be sent into one of the four sub-nations to help that team defeat the others. The last sub-nation standing will be declared the winner. Now, the question here is who will own the four sub-nations? Anyone want to nominate someone for a role as warlord? [b]How to play:[/b] The rules are pretty simple. It's kind of like Yugi-Oh. The stronger you are, depending on the different types of stuff you get from links(this'll be explained later). The resources you get from links will vary depending on strength. Some links will have weapons, some will have food, some will have defenses. The defending team will get more strength by getting defense items, the offending team will get more strength with offense items and both teams can get army bonuses with food. [b]Food:[/b] Food raises the amount of people in your army. [b]Weapons and Sheilds:[/b] Offensive and defensive items will give strength to the teams that represent either. But, offensive items have different color shades and therefore can only go to one of the two offensive teams: Red or Blue. [b]Generals and Armies:[/b] Generals are players who are sent to work with different sub-nations, armies arejust a number. But the number means a lot. When your army gets bigger, so does your strength. [b]Links:[/b] I will put a link after a post every now and then. The link will take you to a web-page with a picture of either a weapon, sheild, or piece of meat. Sheilds can only be grabbed by those in the defense so don't think of putting it in your sig with the rest of the resources if you're offense. Each weapon will have a different shade, so there won't be any way to grab more than one because they will all be identical. If you think I might have forgotten to put a link down, reind me that the game is still going. My memory is almost absolute shit.