[b][i][u]TWO WEEKS AGO...[/u][/i][/b] "Don't g-g...g-get me wrong," Ylva started, already hating this conversation. It wasn't necessarily the content of the conversation she couldn't stand; she was quite fine with that part. She hated that she had to speak, which meant she was going to stutter. But, she had to move on. "I th-think this crew is a grea-great lot, cap'n. But I d-do...don't think I'll find what I'm l-l-looking for with you." She spoke, of course, of her origins. She'd been bouncing from crew to crew in search of where she could have come from, but with no real luck. Her agility with the sword and comparative generosity had done wonders to help her hop from one ship to another, but it seemed as though no matter how many crews she joined and left, nobody had the answers she was looking for. With any luck, this next one would be different. She'd heard about the StarDusk pirates, and their search for the legendary Black Compass. Leads to a treasure of gods, does it? Ylva's logic was that with any luck, such a magnificent treasure, or even just the search to find it, would no doubt point her to the place she came from. She'd already spoken with the captain; she was lucky enough to be with this crew when they touched down here on this island, and whaddya know, the StarDusks were also here. The StarDusk captain - Runa, was it? - seemed like a good enough sort, though quite young, especially for a captain! But a crew was a crew, and a quest like this would surely benefit Ylva and her own search. ----------------- [b][I][U]NOW...[/B][/I][/U] Hara Island seemed nice enough. Admittedly, the task of guarding a ship's loot became all the more important when a pirate ship was docked at land. No telling what kind of thieves would try to snatch up a pirate's hard work, after all. As a result, Ylva - mainly by choice - was rather holed up inside the ship, guarding the various valuables the crew had looted over time. It didn't necessarily mean the task was boring. Being left alone in a room full of various treasures was actually way more fun than one may initially think. If only to keep herself entertained for the duration of this otherwise-menial task, Ylva was spending her time piling up the contents of the room into one large heap roughly in the center of the room. All things considered, it wasn't a half-bad pile. But oh how she got bored with this job, even if she [i]did[/i] volunteer to do it every single time. Well, she was stuck on this ship for now, so may as well get some fresh air. Departing from the room for a moment, Ylva made way to get back on top deck where she could get some sunshine and fresh air.