Seclusion looked more than a little shocked to see him there she rose to her feet with a struggle letting Tamar's body fall as it had been cradled by one of her bloodstained broken wings. The guns soon feel to pieces. "What do you want man, these creatures are abominations man. Look at them, the children have nightmares of such creatures" he said Seclusion's words were the next to be heard full of hatred "We stayed but of your lands for centuries, endless centuries" she said leaning back against the stone wall behind her. "Damn do we have any other guns?" shouted the general "Get out of the way Doctor we know who you are, we do't want you dead either, but she has something and we need it and we can only get it from her once she's dead" he said "and that child you so angrily pointed out would grow up to be just like one of them, just like that impossible being you are trying to protect, a creature that feeds on the dead" he said angrily "They feed of our children…" Seclusion raised her gaze "We have not touched your kind for 600 years general, not even I dare to and I can't eat solid food like the others instead we prey on animals, to keep the peace" she shouted but felt as if she was slowly ebbing away and raised her gaze to the sky once more. Deadly moved forward and spook next "Humans, why do you not listen, have they not kept their word to your ancestors, so why for just a single power source if you had asked…we could have even helped you find alternatives" she said to them and sighed before she looked to Seclusion and whimpered as she fell back down to the floor slowly stitching up her worse wounds now but lacked the energy the do it properly, just focused on stopping the bleeding.