"Abominations... No... every creature in this universe has its place. I don't hate you humans, but you have done far more wrong than any utopian." The Doctor went on . He was clearly still quite angry, An angry time lord was never to be messed with really. He knew that he didn't tolerate any of this. "Humans only fear what is different and think its alright to kill that creature, You don't have the right to wipe out a race." He was standing there. His eyes full of fury. "I thought I had enough of an influence in the past to let you know right from wrong. But I should have known there would be the select few that would think differently." He had his hand firmly on his sonic screwdriver. " This ends here, No more weapons and nobody else dies," his voice was raised. He knew Selcusion needed help. He needed to get her to the TARDIS so he could help her. He then glared back at them "You even killed the young, a inocent child. No matter the species, children shouldn't be harmed, " He was angry. He knew that if that had been his own child or little sibling he would have been even more furious.