And one other thing. Have you actually read the RP's going on in the multiverse? Because I haven't seen a single one where stats are quoted or even involved. All they do is give a benchmark for where one character stands in comparison to another, so we don't always have to ask half a dozen questions just to appropriately respond to a basic attack. For instance: Character A swings their sword with all their strength, aiming to cut off character B's head. Well... How strong is character A? In low tiers that easy enough to figure out, but in high tiers it could be almost anything. Does character B have enough strength to block A's attack? Does B's sword have enough strength to withstand the blow? Is the attack moving slow enough that character B can feasibly dodge it? If the stats in a profile have enough information to give a general guideline with which these questions can be answered, then writer B can simply write their response without having to go through a PM process first or worrying about writer A calling them on their move because of something that wasn't listed in character A's profile. The only thing stats are for is to provide a guideline and avoid misunderstandings. They have almost no role in actual combat, apart from keeping the characters within their stated power limits (and even then they don't get mentioned IC).