[b]Mars[/b] The CSI agents looked over at the Supreme with a surprisingly calm expression, considering that they had just seen their friend get knocked out with a wave of a hand. An older CSI raised an eyebrow, and walked up to the Supreme Draconian. "You have a way of replicating someone's mental state and type with just a few quirks? We can preserve memories, but nobody was ever capable of replicating a personality! This question doesn't even need to go to our superiors, you have our permission! If you want, we can give you the recorded memories, they go up to right in the middle of the hostage situation. I'll alert the Council immediately." [b]Cerberus[/b] The transmission that so rudely interrupted the annoying alarm beep of the emergency broadcast was shut down, but not before the message has been delivered. Having seen the transmission, the Human Cooperative flag was displayed once more, and the voice of a human could be heard. [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/183/e/7/flag_of_the_equal_republic_by_trollingandco-d6bqaah.png] "This is Commander Tomek of the Cooperative Land Forces. All who assist these rebellious heretics in any way will be arrested and tried for heresy against doctrine. If found guilty, they will be imprisoned to await a trial under the Abh, if found guilty in that trial they will be given an experimental punishment." An Abh voice took over the message, and continued on with similar statements. "We can be extremely cruel when provoked, and this supremacist movement has provoked us. Nobody shall escape punishment, and all prisoners will be given the experimental punishment. Let one thing be known to all: there is a Hell in this universe." The flag of the Human Cooperative was removed, and replaced with the Humankind Empire of Abh Banner [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080215130727/seikai/images/thumb/c/c1/Abhcrest.PNG/250px-Abhcrest.PNG] [b]Rebellion[/b] More military ships have been deployed to fight the rebels, mainly Abh ones. While the Humankind Empire of Abh does not openly support the doctrine, it appears that they actively oppose the alternative extreme. It should be noted that the Abh are attempting to take as many prisoners as possible, most likely so they can test the new punishment system. They have still given no clues as to what it is, but many suspect that it is a mind control device of some sort. The Abh have denied such claims, and have issued statements claiming that such punishment were inadequate for the situation. Almost all of these statement were issued with a somewhat disturbing grin. [b]Unknown Alien Invasion[/b] The Human Cooperative has sent a defense fleet to the planet, expecting an easy victory against such small numbers. A message has been sent to the invading fleet, with the ship transmitting it having no idea of how strong the enemy forces could be. "If anyone should surrender, it is you! We have twenty thousand ships heading to your location, surely overkill for such a puny force as yours. this your final warning: leave our space or we will destroy you!"