Tobias lowered his brow a bit and scrunched his mouth a bit. "No, I meant like... here [I]specifically[/i]," he answered, "Are you following me?" But he paused, letting her continue. He listened intently, not having any first hand experience with what she was saying mostly, but it made sense to him. The bark from Blaze had startled the Chespin, making him stumble a bit behind Tobias's leg. Of course, this only made him indignant, and Harvey stood again, holding out his arms and extending his chest to look tough. He shook his head as his face was licked, flailing his arms a bit, which almost made him loose his balance again. This time, however, he smiled a bit, taking a playful leap forward before beginning to chase the Fennekin about. Tobias nodded, looking down then to see the playing Pokemon. "I guess not," he remarked.