"Some things can't be changed no matter how much you try" she said to him she watched him as he gave his offer she didn't have anywhere to go so that was the best offer. But she was even more surprised when he hugged her and listened to the next words he said, that only brought on her tear more burying her head into him as she cried in silence aching all over she still had one more job to do. Moving she looked up to him "Can you help me me one last thing?" she asked "I need to burn their bodies, they plan to come back for them, I can't let that happen. Otherwise they won't be able to live on" she said to him as she was still repairing her own injuries she had to do this otherwise it would cause so many problems. Moving away she began to get to work creating small beds of wood for the dead. Tamar was first, She still picked the girl up as if she were living she nudged her gently to kiss her sister's cheek. "Sweet Tamar, it's time to sleep" she said softly a small flame left the body and found it's way to the Doctor "Listen to it, she has some words for you, that's her soul" she explained and got to work putting the bodies onto their beds individually. Deadly tried to help as well but was less successful. each of their souls rested on the side of the beds, each and thoughts to be heard. Some were sorrowful and full of sadness but others were full of hope and happiness. Tamar's was the most personal though "Doctor you came back, I knew you would. Come tell us some more stories again they sound like such wonderful adventures I wish I could come with you but Sister said I'm too young to be traveling and to wait a few hundred years before such thing, but that's too far of and now impossible. So I've decided i'll travel with you in spirit brother said he'll join as well to explore the wonders and chaos of the universe" said the voice before it went to Seclusion and spoke in the ancient language. Seclusion gave a final sigh before she lit a small fire blowing on it it turned a beautiful bright blue and then was used to burn the bodies of the dead all lying there as if they were simply sleeping, she cleaned them of blood and repaired their wounds preparing them for their eternal sleep she picked up each soul and took it to the old well in the centre. "This well, is connected to the world of the dead for us, where the souls can rest in eternal peace." she explained quietly glad she'd patched herself up enough to carry out her final duty to them all. Deadly nudged her softly "There was nothing that could have been done" said Deadly.