A bullet-timer then. Or possibly not, given how little attention he had been paying. Special sword? Perhaps. Either way, it became irrelevant as the man gunned his motorcycle and charged toward him. Bloodshot just smiled beneath his mask and made a single minor correction to his aim, then squeezed the trigger again. Impatient and cocky. A thrill-seeker and show-off. All four were things that could be used against him, and three of them just were. His aim, oddly enough, had shifted down rather than up toward Mordem, and the shot rang out before the motorcycle had covered even 20 meters of distance, aimed directly at the vehicle's fuel tank. The armor piercing round would easily be capable of rupturing the comparatively flimsy metal (assuming a normal bike is in play), while the tracer portion would have no trouble igniting its contents. Preferably with some rather spectacular results due to the enclosed tank. Plenty of wonderful bits of shrapnel in addition to the fireball. Very fourth of july.