[quote=Animelover_princess] i almost never play the main quest for Oblivion because it's ridiculously boring but all the side-quests and the guild stuff and DLC is all lots of funi do that instead of the main questrouges are great, though a little squishy if you aren't careful [/quote] Ah ok, that may have been where I was going wrong xD Yup I hear you :/ I learnt that the hard way xD DA:2 one-on-one combat with the Arishok 4 1/2 hours T_T with a rogue >.> [quote=NarayanK] Posting when afternoon here starts to end. I'm sorta busy finishing up more stuffz.EDIT: I'm so tired. blargh -dies- [/quote] -Resurrect N.K- Nuu, no dying D: