Fury obviously had no way of knowing that his opponent had survived his beatings, and was currently working fervently to create some webbed weapon below him. With little else going on, he allowed some of his remaining energy to jump to his wounds and continue the healing process, figuring he wasn’t really going to be needing it. As his bones crunched and reformed and bruises began to fade from his body he considered his options. Khazna was going to be a little while, and frankly the planet was far too dead for him to remain for any length of time. Save for the scant energy he’d stolen from his opponent Fury had very few sources to restore his strength… save for one thing which was kindly making itself accessible to him. Drawn by the end of the conflict, and likely hoping for weak prey, a small horde of large spiders were approaching the Fireen from all sides. On his small circular platform of rock he had little space to manoeuvre, but frankly, Fury didn’t really need it. It wasn’t the entity one would expect that was about to feast. The first spiders reached him, and he pummelled them one by one into broken shards, stealing their energy all the while.