[hider=Arietta Rosetti] [center][img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4DM9yjaEJic/UdwQk5RuADI/AAAAAAAABeY/8vvoIHWvXv0/s1600/Allison-Harvard-for-WHETHEURBAN-allison-harvard-31242381-1280-1292.jpg] [b][u]Name[/b][/u] Arietta Rosetti [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u] Those eyes. Oh God. Those eyes. The most notable thing about Arietta's appearance is her wide, blue eyes that seem to be piercing straight into someone's soul. She's often likened to a porcelain doll, with her long blonde hair and her wide eyes, and she embraces that image wholeheartedly. She loves wearing outfits that look like they're straight out of a fairy tale. Arietta definitely doesn't fit society's standard definition of beauty, but there's just something captivating about her--usually, the eyes--that gives her an ethereal, haunting beauty. Standing at 5'5, Arietta has willowy limbs and she walks around as if she's floating through the air. Despite her very unique look, Arietta's appearance is fairly versatile. She can pull off a more 'normal' modern look as well, not seeming out of place in school, or a mall or wherever teenagers hang out. She only dresses in her fairy tale outfits on special occasions, and is usually seen with normal clothing such as jeans and a T shirt too. --- [img=http://media.tumblr.com/454afe5b07f2ac8dc30b942aeb1ff82a/tumblr_inline_mkgq6qu2g01qz4rgp.gif] --- [b][u]Age[/b][/u] 15 [b][u]Grade[/b][/u] Freshman [b][u]Social Class[/b][/u] Gifted [b][u]Social Class Explanation[/b][/u] It's like an angel has descended to Earth. Arietta's voice sounds like heaven on Earth. Just from the way she converses, one can tell that she's a singer. Even in speech, she sounds like she could be serenading an aira. Arietta's most well-known in the general public for her work as a recording artist, producing songs that intrigues the younger generation, and generates nostalgia in the older generation. Her songs have been very popular so far, consistently placing in the top 40s list. She also has done voice acting, most notably the younger version of the main character in a new Disney movie. However, the most impressive aspect of Arietta's vocal music is relatively unknown in the general public. In the world of opera, Arietta is highly sought after for her ability to sing Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen in the opera Die Zauberflöte, or more commonly known as The Queen of the Night Aria from the Magic Flute. The high staccato notes are extremely difficult for any soprano to hit, and it is said that anyone who can sing this will never have to worry about employment again. Not many people are able to sing this aria, making them very in-demand. --- [img=http://media.tumblr.com/59e1497bc6785a605b11b664c72dd4ca/tumblr_inline_mkgrht54Mz1qz4rgp.gif] --- [b][u]Personality[/b][/u] Survival of the fittest. Arietta lives by Darwin's theory of evolution. It's not quite the Social Darwinism that gained popularity during the 19th century, where the wealthy should get more and more wealth, and the poor should lose money. No, she lives by it in the raw form that was observed by Charles Darwin himself: The weak will bend to the strong. So, what's wrong with killing a human, if killing a spider is alright? Why is it socially unacceptable to betray your neighbor for your own gain? People do that everyday, especially in the higher class. It's the unspoken rule to not accuse the wealthy in a way that can be heard because again, survival of the fittest. The strong will cut down the weak. To survive in the entertainment industry, you have to be stronger than the others--no. Not stronger. You have to be able to adapt more than the others. If the public's tastes are changing, you must change with them. Such is the same of the world. The question of survival is how quickly you can adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, and how quickly you can evolve to meet those changes. Arietta is such a person, she's almost like a chameleon, able to evolve to be who everyone wants her to be. It's how she's remained so successful in her career. So why does society not understand that the strong kill off the weak? Or perhaps an easier question would be, why does Arietta not understand morals? The answer is as simple as it is complex. Her moral conscience is extremely skewed, and she isn't able to judge the morality of a situation. She does have a moral conscience to some extent, it's just not prominent. Cold, calculating, and analytical with no morals. That combination of words suggests some kind of villain or a criminal mastermind. Arietta prefers another term to describe her. She’s brutally efficient. Arietta gets along fairly amicably with her peers, simply because it makes things so much easier. Of course, the small smile on her face is usually isn't genuine, and just by observing the way she interacts with people, you shouldn’t assume that she’s a nice person. Like so many people in the upper class, Arietta wears a mask. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like the mask of Acacia Hawthorne. She’s not exuding perfection because she wants to be liked, and she’s not trying to do this to uphold her reputation--this is only a small factor, insignificant at best. Put simply, it’s the most efficient. You’re more likely be granted freedom and you’ll arouse less suspicion if people like you. Arietta doesn’t go around to people and make friends like a certain someone, but that’s also another part of her brutal efficiency. Arietta never puts in more work than she has to, and if she doesn’t deem someone as useful, it’s very unlikely that she’ll go out of her way to talk to someone. That being said, if someone comes up to her to chat, or trying to make friends with her, she doesn’t ignore them. She replies in kind, after all. It’s much easier to be liked than hated. So, although Arietta lacks the ability to empathize normally with her peers, she's charming enough. Due to her aloof, mysterious demeanor she's probably not the person on the top of your list to invite to a party, but she's not bad to talk to. She knows how to feign interest even when she's not, and she's observed enough people to know how to engage in stimulating conversation. Arietta, while not the most pleasant being in a room, isn't the most unpleasant person to spend time with. She's probably not someone you want to trust though. You wouldn't immediately realize that, as she seems trustworthy and sincere. If you ever somehow manage to decipher her thoughts, you'll realize that she's manipulative and cunning. Not to cause harm or anything, but that's simply how she is. She's efficient, after all. And it's much easier to manipulate someone to see her way, rather than to genuinely convince someone to reverse their belief. The negative connotations of the words ‘cold, calculating, and analytical’ are often perceived as someone who doesn’t feel--or someone who [i]can’t[/i] feel, perhaps. Such isn’t the case for Arietta. She does feel emotions, just like any other being. She's not inhumane. She's just so indifferent towards everything that she observes her emotions as a bystander might observe a person getting bullied. Not the bystander that jumps in to protect the bully, or the one that alerts a teacher. The bystander in this scenario is one who glances upon the incident and walks away without another thought. Still, even Arietta is capable of forming relationships and a sense of love. She has the capacity to care for someone, but it takes time to gain her trust. But once you do, you'll have an eternal friend as long as you don't betray her. She'll try her best to remain on good terms... But she won't always be successful. Without a doubt, she'll hurt someone important in some way, shape or form. The only thing redeeming about this is that if she does, Arietta will feel a rare sense of regret and remorse. --- [img=http://media.tumblr.com/b66c09fdb2f7c67bccaffac3bf50eb11/tumblr_inline_mkgsngaDZ61qz4rgp.gif] --- [b][u]History[/b][/u] [i]'I was born singing. Most babies cry, I sang an aria.' ~Fairest, Gail Carson Levine[/i] Perhaps it doesn't seem like Arietta would be passionate about anything, especially music. But to her, it makes complete sense. She was born with a talented voice, and she allowed it to grow. Music is one of the way Arietta is able to explore the complex emotion that she usually doesn't experience,, and when she's up on stage, she's completely transformed into someone else. Arietta has never had many friends when she was younger, preferring to stay inside to color with crayons. She was a quiet, unassuming girl. She never did anything bad, but she never did anything of note either. Put simply, she was forgettable. The only time she really came to life was when she sang, whether it be a silly childhood ditty, or a more complex song, when Arietta opened her mouth, everyone's attention was on her. So obviously, the only logical choice was for her parents to enroll her with a singing teacher. It was probably one of the best decisions her parents have ever made. Arietta's already remarkable voice grew and grew, becoming even more pleasant to to listen to. When she joined choir, she always got the solos for a very good reason. Nobody could deny the allure of Arietta's voice. She got her first big break when she was 11. Arietta auditioned to be in The Sound of Music for the role of Briggita. Of course with her voice, she immediately got the part. And though she needed to work on her acting a bit, she did wonderfully and caught the attention of a talent scout. This is how her career as a singer began. At first it started out with an appearance on a talk show, under the segment of "Talented Kids! This it the next generation!" where she sang "My Heart Will Go On" in front of the entire nation. This appearance quickly gained her fans, and a contract to be a recording artist. By age 12, Arietta released her debut single, "Raindrops." This song quickly skyrocketed to the number 3 spot on the Top 40 list. Her career was only just beginning. She has recorded many songs, and even voice acted in a Disney movie when she was 13. During her rise to fame, Arietta was still hard at work training her voice for both contemporary and traditional styles of singing. A lot of her music was recorded in Europe because she traveled there to further her traditional style, and to spread her fame to other countries as well. She has played parts in some operas, and eventually refined her voice enough to sing the difficult Queen of the Night Aria. While she's a little too young to play the part, there's no question that she will have a place in any, and all operas in Europe. But not only is it a difficult aria, it's also a very dangerous one to sing. One slight mistake, and you could permanently damage your vocal chords forever. Even if you sing it perfectly every single time, the high staccato notes are damaging to if sung too much. So, to protect her voice, Arietta returned to America until she's old enough to actually play the part. She returned in time to attend her first year of high school, and of course, Caelbury offered her enrollment. This is actually the first time Arietta will experience a school experience, having been homeschooled for her whole life. Arietta's sociopathic tendencies have been a cause for worry in her career, and has been the reason for her homeschooling. Her parents and her manager are acutely aware of Arietta's personality. Would someone like this be able to maintain a successful singing career? This is a day and age in which you can't get by just with singing. Your personality, wit, and on-stage presence is also judged and evaluated by the general public, and an off-putting one can most certainly break a career. Arietta is resourceful though, and adapted to the crowd's demands, being the person they want her to be, which has mostly centered around a quirky, fun girl. She's been successful so far. Her parents were originally against sending Arietta to Caelbury, especially because it was a boarding school. However, Arietta insisted, knowing it to be another way to boost her musical career to a whole different level. Due to her success in being 'normal', and her passion, her parents finally relented. --- [img=http://media.tumblr.com/9b67cfb6240673d1b47b8eb8d6bc5ae9/tumblr_inline_mkgsioqf3m1qz4rgp.gif] --- [b][u]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] --She has a fascination with blood. --Arietta actually has an extremely low pain tolerance. --She's not the best at dancing and acting, but she's trying her hardest to get better. She wants to go into Broadway, and her music videos usually require some sort of dancing. --Her natural hair color is actually brown. She bleaches it blonde, but lately has been considering dyeing her hair black. --- [img=http://media.tumblr.com/fc7d12d5335642e59bc34832b4ccce4d/tumblr_inline_mkgv2gN8ki1qz4rgp.gif][/center][/hider]