[b]Rectja's Throne Room[/b] Æthelthryth stood in the shadows of Rectja's throne room, her demeanour far different from her normal bubbly and happy personality. Instead it was hard and serious, her mind deep in thought as she watched the slave girls paraded in front of Rectja and his cronies like cattle. They were nothing more than object to the filthy crime boss, and Æthelthryth was beginning to realize that so was she. While it was true that she was only used when Rectja needed something blown up and not for his gang's perverse pleasures, that didn't change the fact that she was just an object and a tool for Rectja to use. Æthelthryth was no tool. She was her own woman, she was a person, and she blew up whatever she wanted to. She didn't want to follow this sick alien's orders anymore, but she knew she had no choice. Or rather, she hadn't had a choice; but ever since she talked with that alien guard who seemed to be as disenfranchised with Rectja as she had, a plan had begun forming in her mind. Her eyes snapped to the Princess, and Æthelthryth winced a bit as Rectja slid his disgusting tongue along her face. The Princess was the important part of her plan; Æthelthryth was certain a rescue would come eventually and that would be her ticket out of her. But she wasn't sure how long that would take, and Rectja may very well break the strong-willed Princess before then. And if that happened, her entire plan would be ruined; but a little extra hope could go a long way to preventing that, and Æthelthryth made plans to visit the Princess at some point. Hopefully when she was guarded by Shalizar, not that she entirely trusted the alien. ------ [b]Zuzen's Apartment[/b] Noki's attempts to hide her injuries were in vain, after all a fit of violent coughing was not something that happened to normal people. Before anyone else had a chance to react Zuzen was there next to the alien woman, looking down at her. Though he was unable to show it due to his face being nothing but plates of metal and ceramic, he was genuinely concerned about her. While he still burned with rage against Rectja, this was a current and more pressing matter. If she was still injured, then she would require medical help. "What is wrong?" he asked, the concern at least evident in his metallic voice, "And do not lie and say nothing; if you are injured you need help."