[quote=YoshiSkittlez] Would he be the 'sitting in a tavern waiting for nightfall' type? That could set up possible character interaction with the others. [/quote] If you want your tavern 'shrouded in darkness, terrorised by an unknown force of evil' sort of situation...that'd be interesting. Night: "Can I get some mead?" *projecting dark aura of fear and danger* Barkeep: *cowering behind counter* "P-p-please don't kill me, take my supple wife instead!" DX <(*whimper*) *pisses self before fainting* Barkeep's Wife: =_=# <(*is too mad at husband to cower in fear of Night's aura* Night: "My...my mead...?" As for that ermine... [hider=Ermine White...?] Night rouses from a long rest...and finds... Night: "...?" *picks up the big white cat by it's scruff* Cat: c: <( <3 ) "Goodday, siiiiiiiiiiiiiir~! The names White, Ermine White, at your seeeeeeeeervice~!" Night: *stares long and hard at the cat* "I...your name is 'Ermine White', did I hear correctly?" Ermine White: "Yessiiiiiiiiiir~!" *nod nod* Night: "But...you are a cat?" Ermine White: "No, actually, sir...I'm a fairy!" *in a bright flash, the white cat is replaced by a small fairy lady* Night: =_= Ermine White: :D "Ermine White, faaaairy guardian of love and justice, at your seeeeeerivice~!" Night: =_=" Ermine White: :D Night: =_=" <( . . . ) Ermine White: :D <( . . . ? ) Night: *drops the fairy, and goes out for a looooooong walk*[/hider]