[i]'The Abyss. Named for it's entrance, a huge black hole that seemingly goes on forever, The Abyss has co-existed along-side us for many years, learning from us as we learn from them through the stories of travelers who returned back to our realm.'[/i] Commercials like this show up all the time nowadays. All of them talking about the new virtual-reality MMORPG Planes of The Abyss, a game made by the same people behind the original 'The Abyss' series of video-games back in the 1980's. Planes of The Abyss is a game you've wanted to get for your Full-Dive Gaming System that you bought a couple of years back when they were first released, something you never regretted because of the many functionalities for it like studying or simulating dates. Apparently this isn't your average MMO, though it may look that way. Planes of the Abyss is a situation of virtual life or virtual death. All depending on your skill And Skill Is [u]EVERYTHING[/u] "You will not die in real life while playing this game, you will not die while spending too much time in this game- well, depending on how many sustenance barrels you have." The game store clerk gave you the quick tutorial of how to use the Full-Dive system, as per-usual when you buy games for the machine. After taking home your prize-- one of two million copies made for the newest update for Planes of The Abyss Online. Slowly inserting the disk into the machine, you realize that it might be awhile before you see friends or family. Oh well, gaming is more important right now. You skip the cut-scene, like always, and go straight to creating your character: CS In-Game Name: Age: Gender: (you can't be a dude pretending to be a chick because the machine is too smart for that) Class: (there is a list below) Personality: Classes: Swordsman Fighter Warlock Wizard Monk Thief Rogue Assassin Barbarian Tamer Cleric Medic The World of The Abyss: The Abyss' home race is the Kobold, who have become very smart without the influence of other intelligent races. They learned about our species, though, because of the many things that fell through the huge hole that the Kobolds call 'Sky'. They learned of our pop-culture, our religions (which the scholars mocked heavily), and of our technology. They used these to learn our languages and in time used the technologies to open Sky so that organic matter could pass into their realm. Soon after (in the events of the first game, taking place in the first century of pure dominance by the Kobolds) one human made his/her way into the world and was taken under guidance by a swordsman/wizard/rogue/monk to train to become a swordsman/wizard/rogue/monk (you train to become whatever class you pick). The world takes one Earth year to go over one hundred years. It is implied each game that the person who appeared in the first game keeps going back every year to see what it is like. As of the eleventh game, more humans were allowed into the world (multiplayer) and were allowed to become of the four main classes. The events of Planes of The Abyss take place in the twenty first century of The Abyss, as such there is limited technology but practically anyone can become an engineer to invent new technology, as of update three.