[quote=Goldmarble] This is the reason I'm not an "artist".I cannot intellectually deduce the compositional elements of emotion and thought....IE: I can't make up enough flowery bullshit to describe some stupid ass painting to convince someone to pay a ridiculous amount for it.How the fuck does that sell for $43 MILLION? Seriously, how the fuck can anyone feel that is worth that much money? How much of a con artist was the painter, or whoever started this piece's rise to ridiculous expense? Fuck painting. Fuck art. I'm going into the forest to take pretty pictures. [/quote] Well, it's not the artists fault that you are tooo stupid to grasp the true beauty of this piece. See, the rusty pigmentation represents the passage of time, corrupting all it touches as the hand of the clock keeps turning. The impression of a box, so slightly darker than the rest of the picture, is mankinds poor attempt at caging time and putting it in a box, but the very act is impossible, and so it flows past the boundaries set by man. The subtle change between the two halves of the painting represent the murkiness of the past, and the clarity of the unseeable future, smoothness like porcelain contrasting with hairiness like that of a gorilla. The discontinuity in the center represents the gap of vision we all experience when trying to see past the unpierceable veil of time, though each time we get closer and closer to penetrating its sweet. lascivous, interior, and delighting in the sweet juices of foresight, removing time of it's well-guarded virginity. But time is not bound to such concerns, and it will never bend over to the will of any person, and so it remains on a pedestal, forever out of reach, teasing all like a cheap stripper dancing for quarters. But yeah, it's pretty bullshit, and I don't really do the whole art appreciation thing.