[img=http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k202/Ythania1/Full_moon_1204649c_zpsfba4ede3.jpg] The sky was a deep and shimmering navy blue, scattered with the light from a thousand pin-pointed stars and the pale disc of the full moon to rule over them all. It was quiet, and serene, and calm in these late evening hours. A majority of humans had fallen asleep a while back, leaving only the night-creatures to ponder at the beauty of the sky. It was the evenings in which time seemed to freeze - without the business of daytime life, the silence that blanketed the world seemed to inhibit all motion and action. In the night-time, a moment could stretch forever. The moon held the power to keep everything still, and safe, until the sun rose again. And all around the world, a small scattering of children opened their eyes. In their hearts, there was a yearning; an urge so overwhelming that it cancelled common sense, dismissed doubt and brought the children to their destination. They knew they had to go outside. They didn't understand why, they didn't think of how their parents would react, but they knew they needed to do this alone. The moon lit the path down forests, through fields and across streets as the children followed an irresistible tugging towards wherever it was they were headed. Fear and thought was irrelevant - mice scurried away from them and owls hooted in acknowledgement of their presence but the sights of the night were largely ignored, as each of the children reached a separate tunnel. The look of the tunnels would vary from country to country, most of them are nigh-overgrown with weeds and ivy and vines. The only similarity between them all was the small, worn-down statue of a peaceful creature, clasping both stumpy hands in each other in front of its large stomach. The tunnel stretches on into the darkness and without the guiding light of the moon, the exit was not yet visible. However, the tugging at their hearts lead the children through the dark without too much fear or panic. Waiting for them was a small rowing boat without oars or sails, but instead a small and faintly glowing barrier around the edges to prevent anyone falling - or jumping - out of the small boat. This barrier opened enough to allow the child inside, and then the boat would drift, by itself, to the next tunnel and admit another passenger. After everyone was on-board, the boat turned smoothly and started floating away from the tunnels, leaving them only as dark specks in the distance. The dazed state of urges would slowly dissipate from each child, but by the time they regained thought and control of their own bodies, it was too late. Trapped on a small boat with a few other children in the middle of nowhere, and their only exit had just slipped out of sight. They were alone.