Daniels eyes snapped open and silently he climbed out of bed, unlocked the door and left his house with no dismay. He pushed past the garden without a glance to where the twins lived and headed down the street. There weren't any cars though this didn't strike him as strange as he was in a residential area. No-one had woken up to stop him but at that moment he didn't even care. He broke the urban border and walked tirelessly through fields of tall grass. Little tried to stop him, though he doubted any of the animals cared more than getting woken up. He hopped over the fence and walked mindlessly through a forest, animals scuttered around him, darting away from where he walked, nervous about his presence. Soon he saw a tall structure. A blue wall with cracking paint, chipping away and tall strips of ivy growing up it, a dim light shone on the stones in front of it, dimmed by the ivy that entangled it. Beneath the hanging light an arched tunnel stretched open infront of him. Without so much as slowing down he pushed through it. Daniel ran his hands along the walls, feeling the cracks and the webs that littered it. The stone path was cracked and littered with pebbles and on the walls lights hung off of chains, lighting a small part of the path to ease the strain he put on his eyes to see. Every now and again his feet brushed some moss which made his sore feet hurt less. After a few minutes of walking he noticed a small gap in the tunnel. The end of the tunnel, despite the saying, showed no light, or less than what was around him and he noticed, as he broke free of the confined walls of the tunnel, that the light above the arched tunnel had been smashed. Glass sprinkled the path to both sides of him but the more he looked the more he noticed it was as if it was pushed there or swept over. This didn't bother him much though. He pushed onwards and shortly heard the light brushing of water against the land and saw an empty boat. He was the first on it seemed. He sat in it and allowed it to take him away, picking up the rest of the children afterwards. Daniel looked around, he'd only just noticed he forgot his dearest items, his headphones and Iphone. This came to him first and sudden realization flowered through his body as he noticed he was on a boat with a handful of children. His first instinct was to laugh nervously as he assessed what even caused him to get him here. He couldn't fathom how he got here, that seemed the only sane question to ask right now. He noticed he was the first to regain his senses and examined the boat, to his dismay it appeared fine and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Though that being said he wondered if everyone on the boat could even swim... An icy wind cut through Daniel's thin pyjama vest and trousers and he realised how cold it was, he tugged on it and attempted to distract himself by playing with the water however it was also freezing and he withdrew his hand quickly. He pulled his knees into his chest and sighed, staring at the floor of the boat. He kicked out his legs and ignored the others on the boat and flopped back. The silence that stretched out after that bothered him so he spoke up "Does anyone know where we're going?" he asked but didn't expect much of an answer any ways.