A cool nights breeze wafted gently through a single window, curtains ruffling lightly against the flowing air. The nights moon shone in the sky, its light glinting softly against a glass sat upon a night stand. Covers on the bed beside stirred and Mae rose slowly, eyes opening half way as she turned towards the window blinking slowly. She sat on the edge of her bed staring out to the calm night sky for a few moments before finally rising. Without so much of a thought or consideration she swept up a track jacket from beside her bed, slipping it over her sleep-wear before pulling a messenger bag from her bed post and slinging it over her shoulder as if purely by habit. In the next moments the girl sat upon her windowsill, turned and had a small drop from the window of her first floor apartment to the ground below. With bare feet only slightly obscured by the gray flannel pants she wore the girl started forward, her eyes cast to the ground merely watching each step she made. The city streets were quiet as she strolled down the street in her daze with only the light of street lamps and the soft glow of the full moon lighting the way. Each step brought her forward with idle thoughts rising in her mind only to flit away the next moment. [I]”What am I even doing...? Going where...? She'll be worried if I'm gone...”[/i] Before she knew it the girls hazy walk had brought her off the paved and maintained streets to a tunnel sitting against a line of abandoned train tracks. Looking back tentatively trees and foliage lined the sides for as long as she could see. Turning back to the tunnel itself, tall trees stood with branches overhanging the area, their leaves obscuring the moonlight from above. A faint breath left her lips and she continued forward once again through the dark expanse of the tunnel with only the faint feeling of gravel against her feet leading the way. How far she walked, long or short she could not tell. Eventually, however she arrived at her apparent destination. The tunnel opened to a lone wooden pier which she came to stand at the edge of. In mere moments a small row boat came into view, seemingly unmanned yet drifting to the pier all the same. As it stopped she noticed a single passenger, a boy already sat upon the boat. Mae lingered for a moment before stepping into the boat herself, sitting at the opposite end from the boy and averting her eyes as they boat went on to acquire its following passengers. When the passengers were finally gathered the fog over her mind slowly began to lift. She blinked slowly a few times, leaning her head against her palm before her eyes finally opened wide. Her gaze darted between each of the children that had gathered, then off the edge of the boat to the endless expanse of sea that surrounded them. She inhaled sharply, the air slipping through her teeth making a slight hiss as she went to stand abruptly but quickly sitting in the next moment as the boat began to rock. When one of the others spoke up, the boy who had arrived first her eyes drifted towards him, then down to the bag hung over her shoulders. Now surrounded by strangers on the tiny boat Mae grit her teeth a bit, hands clutching the strap of her bag.