Hero name: The Reaper Name: Henry Ranier Gender: Male Age:20 Appearance: [hider=Superhero costume][img]https://warosu.org/data/cgl/img/0062/88/1349547768783.jpg[/img][/hider] Henry has black hair, that he keeps shaggy and long. Normally, Henry does his best to keep clean shaven at all times, to prevent looking unclean. Henry is lean built, with plenty of muscle mass. Personality: Henry is normally a very serious individual, and does not joke around a lot. He prefers to keep to himself, and act on his own accord. He has a very observing personality, preferring to watch a situation play out a little, instead of rushing in. Skills:Henry is somewhat of a martial artist, and has been practicing self defense since he was 13. He has become very good at it, and uses it to the best of his ability. His style is best described as a mix of heavy offense and quick bursts of movement. Henry will always prefer to take the offensive, rather than the defensive. Henry is also quite skilled in the use of various knives, having taught himself over the years, but he is still learning how to use them to their full potential. Weaknesses: Henry has long cut any connections to his parents, and most of his family. Although, Henry's main weakness his is little sister, Shayne, who is only 9 years old. Shayne lives with Henry in their small apartment, with Henry playing the role of caregiver. Backstory: Since Henry was a child, he was often bullied, leading his parents to encourage self-defense classes. After a few classes, and a few more run-ins with bullies in which Henry won, Henry felt like he was nearly invincible. He had disillusions of grandeur at a young age, of becoming a great superhero. Growing up in New York City was rough for the Ranier family. Henry, once he was 17, left his parents, and most of his family behind, due to his father abusing Shayne. Henry alerted the authorities to the treatment of his younger sister, who was then sent off to live with their grandparents. Having reached the age of 19, and applied for college, Henry was given custody of Shayne. By this time, Henry had already started his pursuit of his dream of being a kind of superhero. Henry had started to devolve into taking money from the criminals he fought, in order to make end's meet. Henry currently lives with Shayne in a small apartment in the Queens. Superhero Backstory: The 'Reaper' gained a reputation for his gross treatment of criminals he caught. Often left beaten and broken, with most of their personal possessions gone, people started to fear the Reaper. Rumors spreaded around say that the Reaper's family was killed by thugs, and now the man behind the mask seeks to make criminals pay in every way he can. While the Reaper has yet to take a life, he has beaten several criminals within an inch of their life. The strangest thing spoken about the Reaper is his supposed electric powers. It's said if the Reaper grabs you, he will fry you with his lightning like abilities. Equipment: The blade, as pictured above, made of a sturdy and sharp material. Not liable to break easily. Gas propelled razor wire, which is attached at the hip of Henry. Henry can 'shoot' the fiber wire from his hip, having it latch onto something, then have the fiber wire pull him to that area. Henry can use this wire in order to move quickly, or even to trip up foes. The wire is extremely sharp, and can easily cut through flesh. Ceramic mask, the mask provides protection from blunt trauma, and also allows Henry to protect his identity Bullet proof coat, the coat which Henry wears is bulletproof, protecting him from handgun rounds fairly well. Taser gloves, embedded in Henry's black gloves are tasers, which have a lot of voltage behind them. While the voltage is a little less than what is required to kill a person, it still causes massive trauma within the subject. Henry, an engineering major in college, created both of these. The voltage can easily stun a person for long periods of time, and subdue them. Henry actives the electric charge by bringing his thumb towards the center of his palm.