[hider=Appearance][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/BJwgCXy.jpg?1[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Appearance2][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/asmoYE4.jpg?1[/IMG][/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 187.96 cm (6’ 2”) [b]Weight:[/b] 18.1 kg (40 pounds) -> See Species/Race [b]Name:[/b] Yutaka (豊) Ito (糸 – Note: His family name literally means “string” or “thread”.) [b]Age:[/b] 189 (From the time he was made –see Species/Race-, but he’s only been around for as a proper Tsukumogami for about 41 years.) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species/Race:[/b] Tsukumogami (付喪神) [hider=More info on Tsukumogami]Tsukumogami refers to animate household objects. If an object remains in service for at least 100 years, an object can sometimes gain its own consciousness and spirit to become a ‘living’ creature. In Yutaka’s case, he was originally a men’s kimono (seen in image) and gained a spirit of his own after 143 years of existence.[/hider] [hider=About the Kimono]The kimono just refers to the dark fabric you see in the image (plus the red border around the neck and torso region; does not include the cloth tied around his waist). The purple and very fancy looking cloth wrapped around him is referred to as a ‘haori’ and is a sort of jacket to be worn over kimonos. Yutaka’s original form and existence looks like the kimono seen in his image. The one he wears in his human form is just a replica of himself he’s made, because that’s what he feels the most comfortable in.[/hider] [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Original Form[/i] – He can revert into his original form which is, yes, a male kimono. Yutaka would be able to converse with whoever wears him (even just being draped over their shoulders counts) directly through their mind. He retains all his other abilities, but it’s quite difficult to move around on his own in this state. [s]This is useful because… Uh… He can get transportation and watch movies for free. xD[/s] [i]Inhumane Body[/i] – Yutaka is a lot faster than people would think. Strength-wise he’s about the level of a highly fit and trained human, but his speed goes beyond that. But the trick to his swiftness lies in a sort of ‘burst acceleration’, so he loses any advantage of this over long distances. Also, despite having a human form he actually ‘perceives’ the world through his entire body instead of just through specific parts. This means he can still see around him even if his eyes are covered, and hear even if his ears are completely blocked off. He does have a wider range of vision than normal humans, being able to see beside him without turning, but it is not 360 degrees and he cannot see things coming from behind him. He also does not bleed or have a real ‘vital point’, so the only way to finish him off would be to destroy him completely. Yutaka can also repair himself using string and needles (or other pieces of fabric if needed). He does not eat, sleep, or feel fatigue (he feels pain and such just fine though). [i]‘Strengthening’[/i] – He can ‘strengthen’ or ‘harden’ any sort of string or cloth. This means any piece of clothing he wears can act as armor, a simple scarf can become a blunt weapon (or even something like a spear if it’s shaped into a point), and a piece of string can become like a sharp piece of wire. Requires direct contact to use. [i]Cloth manipulation[/i] – He can manipulate cloth or string from afar to move around as though with telekinesis. If he can see it, he can manipulate it. Without any direct contact though, it’s only making the string/cloth move around and the objects do not gain any additional properties. [i]Master Tailor[/i] – Not really a 'power' really, but he's very good at sewing and the like. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [i]Fire[/i] – Self-explanatory. Don’t. Even. Think about it. [i]Grape juice, red wine, mustard, etc…[/i] – Basically, things that are known to stain fabric. This doesn’t actually really affect him per se (especially in his ‘human form’), but he absolutely detests these sort of things. [i]Light weight[/i] – His attacks hurt because of the speed and acceleration he puts behind it, but it doesn’t change the fact he is very light. Without proper momentum he can’t get a decent amount of power behind his attacks, and obviously the laws of physics dictates that the lighter one would be blown away in a full-frontal exchange of blows. [i]Inhumane Body[/i] – Unlike real living creatures, he cannot heal on his own over time. He needs to repair himself, or have someone else repair him. This also means a lot of ‘healing’ magic or powers will also be unable to help him, unless the ability extends to mending of inanimate objects. And though he hides and compensates for this by 'strengthening' his clothes, his body is actually more fragile than a normal human's. Especially against sharp objects (blunt attacks actually don't work as well, but it does still affect him in his human form). [b]Personality:[/b] A warm person overall and... Very scatterbrained. He has a terrible of habit of forgetting what he was doing or where he was going when he's distracted, forgets where he put his belongings, and is often late to his own classes because he forgot his own schedule. You wouldn't know it at first, because he seems like a normal, capable person when he's talking or especially when he's sewing. He's also a big hoarder and can't seem to throw anything away. He does get his act together when it's really needed... Temporarily. [b]Background:[/b] Being a fairly ordinary men’s kimono for commoners, he remained unnoticed at his maker’s store for around 7 years. He was eventually sold for a very cheap price to a hardworking, but poor, farmer and soon became a hand-me-down clothing among the sons in the financially troubled family. Eventually he became too worn and tattered to be presentable enough to wear in public. At this point most people would have simply thrown him away or cut him up to be turned into rags, but fortune was with him. He was kept around with that family as a sort of keepsake and for the fond memories. After some time, he did end up being sold to a second-hand store where he was repaired enough to be considered ‘decent’ to look at, but not many were interested in such an old piece of clothing. A young foreigner bought him as a cheap souvenir and wore him every so often as something comfortable to have on around in the house. As this man (named John) began to grow old and frail, Yutaka gained a spirit of his own and began conscious of himself and his surroundings. After 5 years of gaining this consciousness, he was finally able to take on a human form of his own and converse with his owner. Already having advanced well into his years, Yutaka’s time with John as a real Tsukumogami was short compared to all the memories he had as an inanimate object, but irreplaceable. Not having any children of his own, John treated Yutaka like a son and taught him about the ways of the world. Many years later, he was alone in the home left to him after John’s passing. Not needing any food, water, or electricity to sustain his life the money John left to him was probably more than enough to let him continue living without a care in the world. However, he was lonely. He eventually found his way to Athalia’s Academy and became a teacher there. Though he has a lot to learn himself, he certainly enjoys being a teacher and the chance to get to meet so many different people. [b]Study:[/b] He is not a student. Yutaka teaches History and Home Economics (A class on sewing and other fabric work, some theories on family and child development, etc... Not cooking though.), and can sometimes be found in the library for extra help. [b]Other:[/b] He just likes masks. The 'fox mask' in the image is his favourite, but he can be seen wearing a variety of different masks according to his mood and some of them look quite ridiculous. Apparently he considers it like a sort of protective charm, though against what he hasn't quite said to anyone. Five. Since the rule changed, thought I should show that I read it again. xP