Next up : Game Mechanics: strength: (Hard hitters, and carrying things). intelligence: (Think Spock, Einstein, Newton, Sheldon, etcetera) vitality/Stamina/endurance/etcetera: (health. . . running, surviving bruises, bleeding, fighting off diseases, etcetera) agility/reflexes: (Quickness and hand/eye coordination/dexterity) charisma: (If you have charisma high enough, you can be extremely politically powerful. Charisma is important for Captains and leaders.) wisdom/piety: (Piety isn't just religious. If you discover something like The Force, your wisdom/piety score is good for you. Wisdom and piety is important to all classes. In fact, if it's high enough, you will gain experience faster. You can gain experience bonuses with high intelligence but wisdom bonuses are higher once you reach a certain threshhold). [b]Personality: [/b] Zeal : (The fervor you have for ideals like freedom, justice, etcetera) Courage (If you have a high courage score, you can keep fighting on even if you're naked against sword wielding Klingons, and gain bonuses to some physical stats) Discipline (High discipline occasionally gives you certain bonuses for differing actions) Contemplative (Ironically, Contemplative personalities can be a good advantage for almost, if not all classes) Others. [b]Races:[/b] Klingons: (Klingons have low Charisma -1 Charisma score. They have - 1 to Wisdom/Piety, although technically they can be MORE religious than other classes. However, they have +1 to Stamina and +1 to Strength.) Humans: typically have a 2 point in Stamina. Maybe 3, for a Cop. A 4 for a soldier. . . A 5 for a very tough Hombre. Humans can't reach 8 points in Stamina unless there's some kind of Augmentation involved. They have no status bonuses, except for that their requirements for learning skills and powers relating to Piety/Wisdom are lowered by 3 points, and their intelligence requirement for Psionic powers is lowered by 1 point. Vulcans: (Vulcans have +1 to strength, and +1 to intelligence, but have the Charisma of a flat worm -2) Wookies: (Wookies have +2 to strength, and +1 to Stamina. Ironically, even though they are as intelligent as Humans, for some reason they have trouble understanding certain things other races find easy, and have no real professional training or educational establishments native to their home worlds. -1 to Intelligence. They have tribal traditions and strange customs, and can't communicate very well, even with Universal Translaters making their language understandable. -2 Charisma (Note, even if you have a very low intelligence, it only relates to the learning of certain skills. You can still role play being a smart person with a 1 or even 0 intelligence. If you have a negative score, then you have to start dumbing down your character. However, even a -1 intelligence score can be played as someone with average intelligence). Tridactyl: (Yoda's race. Tridactyl's have innate strength in The Force. Resembling midget sized goblins, Tridactyls have +2 intelligence, +2 wisdom. However, such intelligence and wisdom coming together comes with a price. Tridactyls requirements for intelligence based skills of technology beyond 22nd century Science are RAISED by 3 points. We are in the mid-25th century. . . Intelligence isn't a one trick pony, even as important as it is during these days of Ultra Science and the dangers of spacial exploration, however). Time Lord: (The Doctor's Race. Their intelligence skills are beyond imagining. Intelligence requirements for skills of technology are lowered by one, and their intelligence is raised by 3. The normal intelligence cap of 10 has been raised to 15. Beyond that, they can regenerate. Destruction of a Time Lord requires extreme effort and power. There are very few Time Lords left. Maybe less than one hundred thousand in the entire Galaxy, and they never congregate in groups of more than 100 except in extremely desperate situations). Changling: (+1 stat to Wisdom/Piety, no stat bonuses other than that. They have the power to change shape, even to living fires, for advanced Changelings. They cannot stay in Humanoid or solid shapes for more than 16 hours at a time, and they have a -1 charisma bonus. Eventually they could stay for days at a time without reverting to a gel like state, but only old and mature Changelings can accomplish that. They must outgrow an additional -1 charisma bonus, for a total of a -2 charisma bonus through in-game role play, before they can advance their charisma skills at all. ).