This girl on my FB posted a picture of a woman's boob that had been eaten by worms or something. Completely disgusting. A small description doesn't even come close to how fucking gross it was. And I can't even delete it because it's not exactly porn. It's not a pic of me. It's not a weird spam thing. It's fucking disgusting. I get that you want to "raise awareness" but making me throw up is not "raising awareness". I don't want to see pictures of abused women or dogs. I don't want to see dead baby seals. I don't want to see rotting flesh. I don't even care if the damn things are photoshopped. You keep that mess off of a public channel. Also, FB, it would be great if you would give people the option to report pictures that have no use in being out in the open like that. I didn't want to delete the girl, but I couldn't even hide the thing from my newsfeed because of your stupid "Is this porn?" questions. I saw that picture early this morning and I still can't eat without feeling the need to get sick. Fuck. What if a young kid saw that? I'm a grown woman and it still messed with me. KJSDWAUIHTGUESBUGEHIOSRFADBXVCERJDIOY HW4URHTGEISEHTGUIQE HITHG3WEU HGEUWIH GUIFD /RANT