John nodded, listening carefully to what Sherlock was saying. He smiled as he finished. "Thank you." He tipped his head just a little, though. "And why don't they like people who are born from... muggles?" He asked, testing the word a bit to see how it tasted. It was strange to have to learn all these new terms. "I mean, like you said, I'm just as.. magical as they are. That doesn't seem fair." He said, not looking angry just... curious. He looked up as Greg came into the carriage, looking just a little surprised, but he grinned. "I'm John, John Watson." He said, extending his hand lightly to shake, still grinning happily. This was interesting, meeting a lot of new people. Sherlock was very interesting, and definitely cool. And Greg looked to be someone he could trust. Maybe they'd all be put in the same 'house', or whatever Sherlock was talking about. He still didn't really understand what that was about. Was it a team? Did they have rivalries? Shouldn't the school be teaching students to get along with each other, not to argue because of petty difference? That was how his muggle school taught, anyway. Which was a bit childish, he supposed, because that definitely wasn't what it was like in the real world.