"I don't know, it all seems irrelevant to me and rather idiotic of them," Sherlock shrugged. He truthfully didn't know. He could see how logically the best wizards should come from those with pureblood but if a brilliant wizard had two muggle parents then that was no different. Just probably less likely to happen. But it did happen. "Nice to meet you, John," Greg smiled, shaking his hand. "I'm assuming you're a first year as well as Sherlock? Let me just say welcome to Hogwarts. Also, word of warning, Sherlock has a tendency to get bored so he may seem sort of nice just now but he will get more annoying later on in the journey." He shot a fond smile in the direction of the dark haired boy, who just scowled again. "I'm a prefect at the school so if you have anything you want to know just ask me." "Or me, and you'll probably get a more intelligent answer," Sherlock put in, From what he could tell about John he would be sorted into Gryffindor which would mean he would be in the same house as Greg, or he would be sorted into Hufflepuff. The first one could be advantageous because Sherlock would be able to get to Gryffindor through Greg so he could see John... And Greg would watch out for John. Although Sherlock found it weird that he wanted someone to look out for John and make sure he knew what was what. He was still confused about the fact he wanted a friend.