John glanced between the two of them, smiling. Thank God he had decided to become friends with two of the more experienced students. "Thank you." He said to Lestrade, and looked to Sherlock again. "And you, I suppose." He said, smiling teasingly. It was probably not a good thing to tease Sherlock, was it? Considering they were just meeting. He didn't even know if Sherlock called him a friend, although he knew Greg probably considered him one. He looked up again as another older boy came into view, looking at them all with amusement and what seemed to be a glitter of suspicion. "Gregory? What's taking so long? You really shouldn't have stopped to talk to Sherlock." He said, but he was smiling a little. He looked to his younger brother. "Hello, Sherlock. Making friends?" He asked, nodding to John, who was looking at him with a bit of confusion. [i]So he's Sherlock's older brother?[/i] He thought. [i]Well, they both definitely have a 'commanding presence'[/i]. "I'm John." He said, smiling a little, although he was beginning to feel and look pretty nervous. Mycroft blinked, looking him over slowly, like he was reading him. "He hasn't chased you away?"