Hero name: The Ghost of Max (or just Max) Name: Tom Grennry Gender: male Age: 20 Appearance: He wears a dark grey ballistics mask that cover the entirety of his face and wears a navy blue mechanic jumpsuit with the name 'Max' stitched into it. He also wears Barbie knee pads and elbow pads. Along with those he also has runners which he personally took the time and effort to make steel toed just so his kicks would hurt that much more. Personality: To most people he can be a funny and go lucky guy but to criminals he more cynical and doesn't talk much. His talking amount with criminals or those that he's suspicious of is on par with Batman. He enjoys old western movies and sweets of just about any kind. Skills: He is a rookie free runner and knows a few things such as how to vault over something efficiently, land properly from larger heights and how to do very basic wall running but as for things like flips, climbing up really high and other things of that nature he's clueless. He's also fairly good in hand-to-hand combat with a fighting style he came up with himself which he calls 'frightened turtle' which focuses on mostly retaliating an opponents attack. Weaknesses: He isn't actually all that strong. He about on par with the average twenty year old. In technology he probably wouldn't be able to fix a flashlight if it broke. Backstory: Tom had a very average almost painfully bland upbringing. He had his fair share of bullies but most of the time it wasn't anything serious so no trauma there. His parents were't super strict but they didn't let him just get away with anything. The first really exiting thing that happened to Tom was when he moved out of his parents house, got an apartment and got a job his first job as a pizza delivery guy at the age of 18. He had no plans on going to college and was fine with his just above minimum wage job along with buying and playing video games in his spare time. On his twentieth birthday he got a few cards from his friends and relatives containing sweet greetings and usually some cash or a cheque. With the money Tom got on his birthday he wanted to get a ballistic mask like the ones in Army of two due to his enjoyment of the game he had bought. It took him a while but he managed to find a place that sold one so as soon as he found the place he went in and bought one. As he bought the mask he asked to store clerk if he had a washroom and then proceeded to go there and... well I don't think I need to explain what he did in there. As Tom was using the facilitys a masked man came in and began robing the clerk. Tom finished up and came outside of the washroom wearing his mask for the fun of it but was greeted by a masked man running out of the store with a gun at hand. Tom didn't know what compelled him to do what he did but he ran for the nearest thing he could use as a weapon which turned out to be a expandable baton. Tom whacked the criminal first in the knee and then in wrist marketing him lose his balance and drop his gun. Tom felt very high and mighty until he saw the mans car unload his parter who also had a small pistol. The man came running towards the store as Tom ran out the back catching a glimpse of a cowering cashier hiding behind the counter. As Tom ran out of the store he immediately blocked the door with a few garbage bags and a trash can before finding a ratty and torn mechanics jumpsuit with the name 'Max' on it and a big blood stain on the back of it. As gross as it was for Tom he quickly put the thing on in the hopes of maybe being able to pass off as just a civilian but as he finally got the jumpsuit on and buttoned up the man came crashing through the door and firing at Tom who still had the identifiable mask on. Luckily the man was a terrible shot and missed just enough times to let a frightened Tom run wildly at his attacker and tackle him to the ground. The attacker was frightened due to the fact that at point blank range not one of his bullets had hit Tom. Due to the mans huge ego of himself that he couldn't miss a shot and the blood stain on the jumpsuit the man presumed that this Max fellow was a ghost or something of the like. Tom quickly threw the mans gun down the back alley and then ran in the other direction. This is how the legend of The Ghost of Max started. Tom got home and decided he enjoyed taking down the criminal and taking inspiration from the new costume vigilantes he decided to become one himself. After saving up money for a few months he bought a level II soft bullet proof vest and with the very limited rest of money he bought Barbie knee pads and Barbie elbow pads which he plans to replace later on. He then once again went out onto the streets as a masked vigilante. Superhero backstory: The legend of The Ghost of Max isn't known by many yet, usually very low end criminals but the legend goes that Max was a mechanic working on a mob bosses car but was killed by the said mob boss after being accused of cutting the mob bosses brake lines. Now Max has come back from the dead to try and find the man who had killed him along with taking out criminals in his way. Max doesn't kill his victims but usually use zip ties to make shift hand cuff them and bring them to the authorities. Although most of his work is just helping people get their cats out of trees or load up their groceries. Equipment: The Ghost of Max uses a Extendable baton to beat violent criminals into submission and then proceeds to use his zip ties to handcuff them. He also has a level II soft bullet proof vest capable of stopping standard hand gun rounds along with his heavy duty ballistic mask he's known for which can stop rifle rounds and lastly a stun gun for medium range.