"Yes," Sherlock made a face. "Just... blech, no. I don't like the whole dating concept." He shrugged. "And I would not describe Lestrade as nice... But he is certainly nicer than Mycroft. And better. And no offence taken, I don't like my brother much. So talk about him however you want to." He tilted his head slightly, watching John. "And he is demanding... He wants to go into the ministry and then run it undoubtedly. At least what Lestrade wants to do is a decent enough job. And there's no need to look nervous, not much will offend me." It was true. He'd been through enough bullying in his muggle school to be able to just ignore most things. But then again he was sure if John... Said something nasty to him it was more likely to affect him. He was already beginning to see John as a friend. He had generally avoided having friends. He didn't get on with many people, they were idiots to him and they all found him odd. And after a while he'd tried to cut himself off so he wouldn't get hurt any more. He may only be eleven but he was already pretty good at just ignoring his emotions. Pretending they weren't there and stuff. He glanced out the window, not really interested by what they were going past. He didn't see why people got so amazed by their surroundings. It was just landscapes. "I wonder when the food trolley will get here... I could do with some sugar."