John smiled, feeling a wave of relief. It still kind of made him sad, though - what could he have possibly gone through that he was so [i]used[/i] to being offended, that he didn't care? John didn't want to ask about it, though. It definitely wasn't his place to know that kind of thing about Sherlock's personal life. John looked at him, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. "Food trolley?" He asked, and just as he said that there was a knock on their door, and a little old lady with a kind smile poked her head in. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" She asked, motioning towards the little cart covered with different kinds of treats. John's mouth practically watered at all the food. He'd had breakfast this morning, a big one, but... he was a growing boy, dammit! He needed food. However, he hesitated. "I don't have any money, sorry." He said, and settled back against the window, looking a bit putout, though e didn't mean to. He was quite hungry, though, and he was well aware he had no reason to be.