[img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Keine%20Kamishirasawa/37725138_p12_zpsda5c5c05.png] Keine: W-Wow, a draw... and I'm sorry, Fael, but it's Shinto, just like they said at the same time. But, how am I going to decide who said first. [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Lilly%20Toadstool%20Kazami/80665597_zpsa43dfec5.gif] Lilly: No, it wasn't at the same time! I swear, Keine, that Marie spoke first! [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Necrox%20Toadstool%20Scarlet/87457481_zps9678af7c.gif] Necrox: What?! Why you... Hell no, Keine! Hugh spoke first! [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Lilly%20Toadstool%20Kazami/93050178_zpsd966e9f9.gif] Lilly: Listen... If you don't shut up, I'm going to fill you with many slaps!! Marie said it and she is the right one!! [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Necrox%20Toadstool%20Scarlet/21769128_zps5fc83c14.gif] Necrox: No one will make me sound like a liar... if I said that Hugh said first, then he said! Or... *clutches his hands*... you wanna a fight? [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Lilly%20Toadstool%20Kazami/45434266_zps88b296bf.gif] Lilly: Mrgrrgrrrr!! I'm really out of my patience!! The two got out of their chairs. As Marie and Hugh stared at each other like prey, the did like two assassins, ready to blow the other. [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Magio%20Toadstool%20Margatroid/83265072_zps6f785acf.gif] Magio: H-Hey, are they so competitive like this? As he asked, a girl looked at the window and noticed something. Girl in Class: ...OMG! What's going on there? [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnVltopWrfY]Beloved Tomboyish Girl[/url] Students screaming could be heard. Actually, that would be natural when you're attacked like that. [img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/3c037215d2e708cf706536dbbcea990c/tumblr_msuz0vXz1g1rrfeboo1_1280.png] [b]Ice Fairy of the Lake Cirno[/b] The strongest of all fairies. She has great control over ice. However, her intelligence is so minimal that it would require years for her to be the real thing... Cirno: Nyaahahaha! Scream, ya fools! Because eye'm the strongest!! She continued to shoot ice at all students. The class stopped as everything happened. Magio directly looked at Keine, who nodded back. Then, he ran away to the field. Cirno: Woooo! So easy~! Is there no one to come at eye? [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Magio%20Toadstool%20Margatroid/89420609_zpsbd234542.gif] Magio: Fine. I'll take you on! The class started to comment that Magio was crazy, jumping for suicide. But Lilly, Necrox and Keine knew that this was an easy task. Cirno smiled and shot her icicles at Magio, who ran fast, but not away. Although he tried to demonstrate that he could do it without aid of his power, how he would defeat her? By simply running as she shot icicles? That was ridiculous. It wouldn't work. She got out a Spell Card, and used without forgiveness. Cirno: [b]Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze"[/b]! [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Magio%20Toadstool%20Margatroid/90989745_zps6b650675.gif] Magio: (Already, huh? Well, I guess your turn is over.) Colored danmaku were shot fast, and then it stopped. Cirno launched big balls of ice at Magio and the frozen danmaku hitted him. The entire class wasn't believing on how a fool Magio was... Cirno: I told ya, you fool! Eye'm the strongest!... Wait. Ah, you're...!! BGM: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXhTnRLbXeA]Magus Night[/url] The fog cleared. He was still there. Cirno finally realized who he was. A true magician which she couldn't defy, not even once. That magician was Magio, which knows fully well how to fight. He knew that doing that with Cirno was overpowering, but he wouldn't forgive her for attacking innocents like if it was nothing, [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Magio%20Toadstool%20Margatroid/92465602_zpse10d2fb3.gif] Magio: Good hit. But, now... it's my turn! He started to fly, just like her. There was no need of wings. He pointed his hand at her. At response, she faked that she mistook him for any student. However, which other student would simply fly like that. Unless it was a hidden fighter, or had powers, no one could mistake him. Cirno: A-A-Ah, it was a mistake...!! A mistake!! [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Magio%20Toadstool%20Margatroid/89420609_zpsbd234542.gif] Magio: You're the strongest, aren't you? Then you should know how to evade, right? Behind, in front, around... a sea of colorful stars appeared. Upon the snap of his fingers, they were shot at the fairy. Cirno lost the courage to fight, she somehow knew that she wouldn't win. However, she wouldn't lose her cool amidst the battle. She wouldn't. Her attacks continued at fiercest that it was... but that level of ferocity in danmaku wasn't enough. Not for him. His stars were overwhelming compared to the glass she shot. However, Cirno wouldn't give up. Never in her life as a fairy. Cirno: Eye won't give up! Eye'm the STRONGEST! Take this! [b]Snow Sign "Diamond Blizzard"[/b]!! Upon her other Spell Card, icicles came out of random. Magio cruised over them, shooting more stars. She defended, but it wasn't enough. Soon, Magio held his own Spell Card. Cirno: Oh no... C-Checkmate...?! [img=http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh628/MagioCrimson/Magio%20Toadstool%20Margatroid/77991023_zps2f970200.gif] Magio: ... Goodbye, and sorry for this. [b]Star Sign "5 Pure Stars in the Blank Space"[/b]! Cirno was enveloped by white and shiny danmaku. She couldn't move much. Behind Magio, five stars appeared. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and White. At once, they hitted Cirno, causing a big explosion and sending her flying away. Cirno: MAGIO!!! EYE WILL BE BACK!!! AND THEN, EYE'LL DEFEAT YOU~!!! *BGM ends* Magio descended and finally reached the ground. He looked at the class, which looked really surprised, except some faces in that crowd.