Blake Hawthorne’s eyes suddenly became aware, having been woken from his deep slumber by this… yearning he couldn't even begin to describe. Throwing his duvet off his body, Blake silently got out of his bed, placed his cap upon his head, placed his jacket over his pyjamas, and slung his satchel’s strap over his shoulder. If anything it was pure habit, absent thought already. Just like how he now silently opened his window and swung himself around before grabbing the vines growing up the side of his house and climbing down carefully. Blake’s feet felt cold upon touching the now wet grass surrounding his house. Yet, it didn't matter at all, because this irresistible tugging towards his beloved forest grew stronger and stronger, drawing him inside underneath its leafy boughs almost blocking out the moonlight. Every now and again his feet struck the odd rock, or worst, his face came into contact with a freshly woven spider web, but it all didn't matter the slightest. All that mattered was the pleasing of this urge… Hours… Minutes… Seconds… He couldn't tell how long it took him, but eventually he found his way to this tunnel. It smelt right weird down there, for reasons he couldn't tell, and it was certainly dark, having the ability to conceal all types of foul and nasty things. However, it wasn't this that caused him to pause in front of the tunnel, but the small worn-down statue of a peaceful creature, clasping both stumpy hands in each other in front of its large stomach. It looked certainly odd, and it certainly didn't belong in his beloved forest. Shrugging his shoulders, and urged on by the night owl’s hooting, he entered the darkness of the tunnel. It wasn't long before he came out the other end, the darkness giving away to the moonlight once again. However, it wasn't just more forest on the other side… Blake blinked his eyes upon seeing the boat. It looked study enough, capable of holding several more passengers than the two it already held, a boy and girl roughly around his age. Gingerly stepping onto the boat, casting a backward glance towards the tunnel, he sat himself down at the middle, wary of both children already present while the boat moved along to its next destination. Blake's eyes never left the floor, not even to look at the landscape around them. Such is the curse of shyness he thought to himself while doing up the zip to his jacket. When Daniel spoke, Blake merely shook his head, hugging his arms around his chest for warmth and to provide a… mental barrier between himself and the other children. I wish Victoria was here… he silently thought to himself, because at least he knew her as the boat continued along its path.