Serenity cringed upon hearing Patch’s words. She thought that he was just blind it never crossed her mind that it would be gone completely. Serenity was thankful she never had gotten caught. However she had never stole from a person who would take a body part if she ever did. Serenity could not think any bad of this one eyed young man. In a way Patch and Serenity were very much alike. Again her memories started to seep back clouding her thoughts of old unwanted images. She welcomed Xerox’s voice as it had snapped her back into focus. Serenity once again sighed for the hundredth time that day. All he wanted was simple request from T.K. Yet she had no time to answer as the guards had gotten to uncomfortable with the prisoners being so close. [i]Fuck.[/i] Serenity swore as she seen the hornet’s nest. She had never personally had the pleasure of seeing one in action. It was one of the things T.K had taught her about first. After hearing Aeris words Serenity just nodded. She lifted out of her seat ready to leave the rec room not wanting to be anywhere near when it went off. However she stopped looked at Patch and spoke quickly. “It is best if we leave now.” Serenity did not wait any longer for an answer. She started walking toward the doors. ("That means you too Stone.") She had made it half way but her curiosity arouse when the guard talked to Josh directly. [i] Idiot just keep moving.[/i] At first Serenity thought Josh was just being pig headed, but after another look over the scene, she understood what he was doing. Serenity’s eyes widen a little when the hornet was dropped. She had no time to think and it seemed she did not have to. Josh had done something that she had only seen in movies. Serenity was freaked as she knew this just enraged the guards more. Nothing good would come of it. Serenity tried to look small it was not a big feat as all eyes were on Josh. Once he had been taken away Serenity slipped out of the Rec room to search for T.K