Oh man I just realized that we're all vaguely colour-coded. E. G's Pink, Ice is Blue, Futen is Black, Serenade is White, Eclipse is Green. We're all set to be a Super Sentai Combi or a Precure/Magica-style team. Edit: Also, I updated my CS with a bit of an expansion on Serenade's fighting style, since I didn't really wanna just infodump in a post when it came up. Changes are below: [hider=Click]Serenade is a lancer, and specializes in combat using a large two-handed cross-spear, which she considers a versatile and well-rounded weapon. Her seniority has ensured that she is updated frequently, and over time she has developed the ability to create smaller spears and javelins, as well as other polearms such as halberds or tridents (though making anything particularly exotic requires a decent amount of time and mental fortitude.) As she gained experience, her defenses improved and she became more capable of defending her comrades. She has learned tactics and stances that minimize the damage done to her or her teammates, and has developed into sort of a 'tank' role as her fighting style evolved, though she can also perform as a heavy attacker. Despite her purported versatility, however, she has not trained her speed, and because of the weight of her weapons, she often puts herself in the way of danger, and has a difficult time running from an attack or a group of enemies.[/hider] If there's any issue, I'll change it around as needed, but hopefully I've been clear enough.