[quote=Jster] Whats Oberyn's favorite type of cereal? [/quote] Captain Crunch. :hehe [quote=Lady Squee] You know, last night I was actually pretty happy with it. [/quote] [hider=Spoilers]Wellll, not quite. He didn't just want to kill the Mountain, he also wanted to know if Tywin gave a direct order for the killings. He wanted to survive this fight and kill anyone else involved in the killings. Sure, he might've gotten the Mountain (assuming the wounds are enough to kill the big fuck, or if he used poison as some people have suggested in this thread), but that was only the first name on his list, not the whole thing.[/hider] [quote=Dervish] [/quote] [hider=Book spoilers]You're an awful person for this, and I like it a lot. :lol[/hider]