Music - [url=]Flos[/url] [img=] Fael: I thought only me, Marie, Hugh and Thomas where the only ones but... [img=] Hugh: We are actually still surprised...a little. [img=] Marie: We could have fought that girl as well, but you where more fast. [img=] Thomas: Like i said, something big is going to happen, also, you there, its obvious you wanted to be noticed. ???: Oh, you noticed me? Well, guess i underestimated you hunters then, being able to located stalker that easy. [img=] Thomas: Yeah r...wait, you've been stalking me? [img=] Hugh: (Of course...) [img=] Marie: T-that voice! [img=] Yukari Yakumo: It has been a while, Toadstool Triplets and, Fael, Hugh, Mei, i believe you are trainning hard. [img=] Marie: Yes, Miss Yukari, i'm reaching the final stages of my Ancient Magic Trainning. [img=] Hugh: I'm keeping my skills on check, the only guy here that gives his all is Fael. [img=] Thomas: (What about me? Shura trainning is Harsh you know!) [img=] Fael: Y-yes, well, i can't still create a special move, but my skills with my sword are getting better and better. [img=] Yukari: Just don't forget to take it easy. [img=] Fael: Right.... [img=] Hugh: You just love to get him flustered isn't it? Don't want to see you crippled at such young age. [img=] Marie: (Can't really blame her, Fael's cute when he's like that.) Yukari: I have no idea what you're talking about. [img=] Marie: By the way Miss Yukari, do you know Magio, Lilly and Necrox? [img= Yukari: Yes, and very well! Somehow, i knew you all would meet. *looks at the clock* Well, i must go, there's a shipment waiting for Fael, Marie and Hugh. The three: Shipment? [img=] Yukari: Se-cre-t! See you after school! The Youkai open a gap to the Grasslands and enter it. [u]Grasslands[/u] Yukari: Miss Rachel, i'm he- Wait, where is she? [u]School's entrance[/u] [img=] Marisa: Aww, the action was over already, but i'm pretty sure that explosion right now has something to do with... [img=] Masaki: Finally you stopped. [img=] Marisa: Wow, i got a stalker ze! [img=] Masaki: Yeah...I mean HELL NO! I wondered what that explosion was so i came here to check it out. [img=] Marisa: You wouldn't stand a chance, or rather, you wouldn't made a diference ze! [img=] Masaki: What did you say? [img=] Marisa: If there was still a battle in here, you could get caught in the middle of it ze. [img=] Masaki: And? Still doesn't change the fact that i'm concerned with that explosion. [img=] Marisa: Hmmm...You look very determined. [img=] Masaki: Of course! [img=] Marisa: Then let's fight ze! [img=] Masaki: Eh? [img=] Marisa: If you're so confident, must means that you are either strong or just a random green haired guy. [img=] Masaki: Okay then, bring it. [img=] Shiro: I'm pretty sure green hairs aren't random. [img=] Kuro: I don't think she meant it that way. Moments later. Music - [url=]Fiddle the Chocobo[/url] Masaki was running from a rain of danmaku that Marisa was shooting at him. [img=] Marisa: Wow, you got some dodge in there ze! [img=] Masaki: Damn! If i was on the Cybuster! [img=] Kuro: You should mind your words next time meow. [img=] Masaki: We don't have time for lec-YEOW! ???: *Sigh* That boy is hopeless, well, i'll leave you here, do what you want from now on, i have someone waiting for me. ???2: Riiight! The Misterious rose scented figure warps away, leaving a red headed girl. ???2: Heeeeeeeey! Over here! [img=] Masaki: There's a voice coming from the bushes, alright, i'll hide in there and think on a strategy. Marisa launched another wave of danmaku, Masaki uses this oportunity to graze them, making sure Marisa is not seeing him, then Masaki jumps to the bushes, what he didn't know was that the person that was calling him was in the bushes far away from him, of course, Kuro and Shiro were on the right one. ???2: H-hey, you got it wrong dummy! Don't you have [url=]Sense of direction?[/url] ???: *briefelly returns* You're the one to talk. *leaves again* [img=] Masaki: Tch...Now i can't leave anymore. [img=] Marisa: There seems to be something over there ze! I'll check it out! [img=] Masaki: (Crap, that person is in danger.) When Marisa got close to the bushes, she got swatted away by something unknown, then, the misterious figure revealed herself. Music - [url=]Calamity Trigger[/url] [img=] [b]Celica Ayatsuki Mercury A "Chronophantasma" created by Kokonoe using a copy of the soul of the Celica in the past, her hole was the activation of Kushinada's Lynchpin. [/b] [img=] Marisa: Ow, that hurts. [img=] Celica: Sorry, i'll heal you later~! For now, i have to save that greenie. [img=] Masaki: NO NICKNAMES! IT'S MASAKI! [img=] Kuro: Today is not his day. [img=] Shiro: Yep. And not ours either [img=] Celica: Don't say that Mr. Cat, i'm here now. [img=] Marisa: Fine by me, i'll take you on! [b]The Wheel of Fate is Turning! REBEL 1! ACTION![/b]