[Hider=Marcus Davidson] .:: General ::. Username: N/A Full Name: Marcus Davidson Nicknames: N/A Age:21 Birthday: Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Faction: Human .:: Personal ::. Height: 5' 9" Weight: 190 LBS Appearance: http://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/character.php?id=12995 Occupation: Contracted Inventor Personality: Marcus is a very intellectual man who tries his best to stay out of trouble. He has mixed feelings about the war between ARSENAL and PRIMAL. He is usually quite shy around strangers and has a rather...unique outlook about the world. History: There is always two sides to a war. There are the winners....and then there are losers. However, there is a third side which goes unspoken. No matter who wins in a war, this person is always the most hated. And that is the arms dealer. The one who supplies the tools for war. And right now, Marcus is on the edge of becoming one himself. His invention could very well reshape the ARSENAL's weapons and give them better chance for victory. However, can he live with knowing just what his weapons will do? Only time will tell. Extra: .:: Battle Information ::. Weapon(s) of Choice: Tazer Baton, ARSENAL Tracker Pistol (Can shoot Trackable rounds and regular pistol ammo.) Fight or Flee?: Despite knowing at least some basic fighting skills. He isn't strong enough to really take anyone down. He'll only fight as a last resort and would rather use his head to escape out if dangerous situations. Other Equipment: ARSENAL Beacon: A special beacon given to non-combat personnel of the company. With the flick of a switch it sends a signal to any ARSENAL agents in the area. It also updates itself on suspected or known PRIMAL's. It can also be used as a tracking signal. [/Hider]