[img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/11/e2/42/11e242c1fd5345b04fe31d267fcb802c.jpg[/img] Name: Zen Morgan, real name is Zen Rakoshi Gender: Female Age/Year: 15 Power: Power to copy and mimic anything she's seen or heard with perfect accuracy. Villian or Hero: Hero Personality: Very complex personality. She's kind, extremely book smart, naive, loud and quiet. Childish and brave. History: She was born to a single mother. Her father having died before she was born. She lived an ordinary life with her mother. Until she was 2 in which she was diagnosed with autism. Her mother worked hard to make sure Zen had whatever she may have needed and wanted. Home schooling her was the only option due to her social skills and tendencies. Even giving her candy in order to keep her calm until she got home from work. Zen has a very close relationship with her mother. And if Zen looses sight of her for more than a few minutes Zen will start screaming and screaming 'mommy' over and over again until her mother is within sight. Zen always had a fondness for martial arts movies, she watched them all the time. That was when she first discovered her powers. She was 9. Her mother saw her watch a martial arts sequence and then perform it with perfect accuracy. Her mother then knew her powers had come in. Her father also had that power, her mother had a power too. The ability to turn her skin into metal. Zen's mother had then started training her daughter in how to use her power. But, she had no idea what she was doing. So, finally, she decided to enroll Zen into Sky High. With specialized teachers who could give her the learning she couldn't give her. And what Zen deserved. Zen could've been a hero but due to her condition she would be better off a sidekick. Other: Zen knows Japanese, it being her first language.(Nothing else to put here really but if you want to know more specifically about Zen's personality look up the foreign film Chocolate. I based Zen off the main character. Great movie by the way.)