Anyone who'd happened to be facing south at the time would have noticed an odd glimmer of light in the distance. At first, it may have just seemed like a large star, or perhaps a satellite in orbit. As it grew closer, and those possibilities became more and more unlikely, the glimmer could have, perhaps, been taken as a plane or helicopter. It soon became clear, though, that whatever was hurling through the sky towards them was none of those things. What it [i]was[/i] couldn't be ascertained for sure because it was moving so quickly that it was only in clear sight for a moment before it disappeared behind the abandoned carcass of what was once going to be a main building. Just as Jason's feet hit the ground, the Earth seemed to shake beneath them and the sound of a crash could be heard for the distance. For the three already much further into the site, the crash was almost deafening, the tremor nearly enough to throw them from their feet. Neither the noise nor the impact itself were noticeable enough to draw the attention of anyone not in the immediate vicinity, but they'd been more excitement than most of the teenagers had seen in their entire lives. Certainly cause for investigation, even for the normally more cautious members of the group. Whoever reached it first would see that it landed, thankfully, in a small clearing that might have been something like a courtyard, had the construction not been halted. No structures had been damaged into any further disrepair. Even the object hadn't been completely destroyed, as it logically should have, by the crash. However, it definitely had seen better days. It was about as long as a school bus, and a few feet taller. The front of the spacecraft -for that was certainly what it seemed to be- was an egg shaped dome that was about a fourth of its length. Protruding from one side, sticking up into the air, was one crooked, stubby wing with a cylinder that seemed to be a thruster on the end. From what it seemed there was a once a similar wing on the other side, but bits and pieces of it were scattered across the ground behind the craft, and whatever had held on through the crash had been plunged into he ground. Near the end of the craft, on the top, was a large, arched protrusion. It had what almost resembled a blade on the front, made of a metal much shinier than the rest of the craft, which was mostly a much duller metallic color. Most of the craft had burn marks or holes where wires now spilled through. The entire thing was smoking, partially from the crash, and partially from damage sustained before it. Lights were on some points; some shone brightly, while other blinked with a desperate urgency before fading out. It seemed like no creature could have survived the crash. And yet, it occasionally rocked, as if something within were trying to get out.