Name: Serendipity (Sara) Solomon Gender: Female Age/Year: 15 Power: Healer ยป Using an innate ability to restore the physical structure of higher order life forms given time dependent on injury or illness Sara can effect complete restoration of those lifeforms. This includes restoring lost limbs and curing all diseases an poisons. She cannot however repair genetic damage whether congenital or environmental because her ability uses the subjects genetic code as a blueprint Hero or Villain: Hero Personality: Serendipity is considered something of a space cadet because she seems constantly in her own little world. She is known for saying the strangest and often most embarrassing things about other students and even herself. She pesters her fellow students if they are sick or injured wanting to heal even the slightest injury. She is obsessed with this need to fix people and animals and grows agitated when she isn't allowed to help; she will even heal a former enemy without question. History: Serendipity is the only child of Serenity Solomon a Hero known as Clue [Hider=Clue] Serenity Solomon is a world renowned detective and archaeologist who's primary power of being able to look into the past of most objects keeps her constantly on the move.[/Hider] Her mother's ability constantly in demand by law enforcement and universities meant that Sara spent little time around her mom after the age of four. Raised by Nannies and in school since she was four Sara is a bit naive about the outside world. Her schooling prior to manifestation o her healing ability and attendance to Sky High has been in private all girls schools in europe. Appearance:[IMG][/IMG] Other: Sara is only labeled a Hero because of how powerful her healing ability is and has no real fighting ability outside of what might be possessed by a 15 year old girl in good physical health. This is very similar to her mother Clue's classification