Name: Marie Gender: Female Age/Year: 16 Power: Probability Control: She can control your luck, meaning that she can grant you with good or bad luck of any kind. This is limited to death but only because she is leaning towards being a hero, it may change later when she decides her affiliation. This power can be used in battle situations, it also means she can make things appear from thin air. If that stone you tripped on wasn't there before you should know who to blame. Experienced Hand to Hand Combatant Hero or Villain: On the fence Personality: Marie is quite the simpleton actually. Though she can be quick to judge and even faster to prank she has a lot of fun just being normal, she looks down to heroes because of how much they celebrate their powers and how they think they are better then the rest. Basically she views herself as an average human, and even if she is more then that it is very hard to face for her. History: Born and raised in Michigan, there she spent most of her time playing with other human kids and unintelligibly hurting and giving to others. It was a very simple and easy life and she cherished it...but the money was rough. Each year her parents won a big lottery, of course Marie supported her loving parents and so unbeknownst to her and the rest of her family she was making them win. So she grew up rich, she had a pleasant life that she didn't exactly want. It was fine until her mother died... They had been fighting one day, like mothers and daughters do, Marie had gotten so mad that the worst happened. During an argument her mother fell down the stairs of their nice house, and she ended up with a fire poker in her waist. It had all been Marie's fault and at that point she knew it, so she stole some cash money and ran as her dad was in the hospital consoling her mother. How she ended up at Sky High is a mystery to others. She lives in her own apartment and has an easy life, working part time and living off of lotteries and twenty dollar bills she finds laying on the ground. Appearance: [img][/img] Other: She is rich, as told, she also keeps her life a secret.