Name: Dimitri Bjorn Resonov Gender: Male Age/Year: 16 Power: Hammer of Thor. He can create and fire lighting from his hands, though when he is about to use his powers he has to charge for a little while to use his hammer of Thor to eletrocute his foes. Hero or Villain: More villain than hero Personality: Dimitriv Sees most of the people around him as inferiors that is either not fit to live or just deemed in his eyes to be the perfect slave. His two timing face which he has used his whole life since he learned to lie has brought him to the level of a great liar which he takes form the northen god loki. He can get quite soft from time to time just for the pity of the inferior people, making him do a little good here and there History: Born in Russia, his family moved to the Us when he was just three years old. His parents were living in the poor part of town. So Dimitri never had really anything to call his own which made him envy the other kids that were in his school since they brought their toys with them and even bragged about how their dads had bought them cool toys which he would never have. At the age of ten. He was sitting at a bench on the playground all alone for himself since he had growen quite a dislike to the other boys, even girls in his school and relly did prefare to sit alone and enjoy the sounds of nature. As he was sitting there minding his own busniess a girl came over to him dressed in all pink with a curious look on her face that was totally overlooknig Dimitri, that just ignored her at first. After ten minutes of keeping it op he started to get irrretated about her overlooking him and turned to face her with an treating look. " Piss off before i smash your face into the concret" He said in his hatefull tone, trying to get the girl away but it didn't work as he planed. Insteed she got closer towards him and so close that he himelf got a little nervos. Since threating the kids with smashing ther heads into the concret usualy scares them off or make them cry. Just not this one girl here that just stood close to him and looked at him like he was some ecotic animal or something. Then she did it, she freaking did it. Hugging him was the freaking last thing he wanted frim her but it felt so calming and relaxing that he didn't borther evne fighting agaisnt her hugging. Having her hug him for five minutes was getting quite strange now. " OKEY STOP THE HUGGING" He yelled out which landed on deaf ears. She finaly released him after a minute or two later after he had yelled towards her. She dock behind her and fished a note book out and handed him it where it standed " Angelica. Noding a little he looked towards her and just sighed, opening the book he read the first thing 'I'm deaf" He looked looked op to her again and noded. He had a pincel in his pocket and took it out and started to write something inside the notebook 'Why are you even borthering to start contact with me' He passed the note book and looked at her face that had a strange look but as she started to write in the nootbook and handed him it again ' Because you look so sad." He just stared at her for a second and just sighed again, with him standing op from the bench. Writing the last thing into the notebook that he took again 'Well Thanks for telling me. But please get away from me you will not gain anything from hanging around with me " He passed the book and started to walk away from her. She was just sitting on the bench looking at him as he walked away. Fastforward three years He was soon going to get out of that shitty school of his and it couldn't be fast enough if you asked him. Dimitri had growen quite a lot. Standing behind the school he was sitting on the ground with a smoke in his hand that he took a few hivs form it. What he didn't know that hte deaf girl had been secrely watching him for the last three years since they met at the bench. She had tried to make him smile since she like to see people smile and Dimitri havent smiled even once in the three years they had went to school together. Dimitri was thinking about how to get revnge on some punks that had cheated him out of some money He had already used his power once with calling thunder upon a three in rage. Lets just say there were once a tree there, But he couldn't use it ever since. He picked himself op and stood on his legs and walked a little, as he reached to his pocket and saw that he was out of smokes. He had to find his older smoke seller.. After two hours of walking he was now infront of his smole seller knocking three times the door was open shortly after reviling an man maybe in his early thirties " The usual" Dimitri noded and the man just closed the door and shortly returned with two packs of smokes. Paying with the last of his cash he had on him he was sure now that he had to find that little shit now and beat the living crap out of him now. Walking back to the school he was getting the feeling like he was being watched and it was getting fucking creepy. What he didn't know is that the one that was watching him was the deaf girl. Arriving at the school again he saw that it was break time and all the fucking brats were outside playing, like there wasn't a care in the world. Sighing he walked towards his usual hanging stop, but only to find that it had been taken by the same little twat that cheated him. Quickly running over to him and doing a flying kick like in those kung fu movies he hit him in the head throwing him backwards " You own me money bitch " Dimitri now stood infront of a little whining bitch that was calling for mommy. "Now give me the money you cheated out of me or i will do some adult things towards. Wait your not even worth the hasle since your nothing more than an infeior little piece of dirt." He freaking liked saying those words each time he does say them he becomes more asureing that its true that he was superior and they were inferior. Not wanting to wait for the little whining twat to hand his money over himself. Dimitri couched down and seached the kids pockets and found his money and a little extra that he happly took from him " Yo thnaks for the extra cash twat" He laughed a little as he walked away from the scene. What he didn expect was that the same deaf girl was now standing infront of him with an angry exprestion on her face. Quickly stoming towards dimitri she pressed his nerve that was on the neck real hard. The russian boy was just screaming and got on his knees " Fucking stop it just make it stop." She stoped as she had learned to read lips in the three years and could mostly understand what people were saying. Holding her hand out he just looked at her with a dum exprestion but slowly gave the extra money to her which she walked to the boy that was laying on the ground and put the money into his pocket. Walking back she took Dimitri by the ear and dragged him along. " Fucking hell that hurts !" He wondered why he even let her boss him around like he was some inferior scum. Reaching the stop that she usual draged him too she just shoke her head and wrote something on a piece of paper and reached him it 'Be nicer to the kids Dimitri, since the teacher knows about your vilote skipings of school !' He just shugged " So let the dragon know what im doing. Still under age so the cops can't do jackshit towards me " He said with a smile on his lips but got a flat hand dashed on his cheek and with the deaf girl walking awa. He saw her walk away with his hand holding where she had hit him, wondering what just happened. Three years after the incedent he had growen even more now at 6'0 feet tall, but still slim as slim shady. He had gotten more control over his power that he had doubed Hammer of thor since he freaking loved norse mythologic. Sure with him getting more control over his power he had been spoted and was now going to be enrolling into sky high a school for teenagers like him with diffrent powers that he kinda finded cool since maybe he could find supiror people like himself among the students Appearance:[IMG][/IMG] 6'0 Feet .Slim build Other: Can tiger kung fu,