would it be possible to play as a Draconian? for those who dont know what a draconian is: A draconian is a humanoid dragon, long story short, usually adept in magic, but they can only use one elemental type of magic (which will usually correspond with the color of their scales) Draconians could probably live on both continents. otherwise I will use this: Name: Daiedallynn Syre (referred to as Syre) Age: 120 Race:Elf Gender: Male Appearance: Syre is about 6'5", with greyish skin and long white hair, though you probably wont see it. He wears long white mage's robe with hood that hides his entire face. He wears a pair of plate mail gauntlets imbued with magical energy, as to channel magic better. Weapon(s): Staff of Vynndryjl- An ancient staff of wood and gems passed down through Syre's family, which, given the lifespan of elves, means that the staff is extremely old, it was rumored to be around when the elves first found out how to control magic through words. An iron dagger- for close combat and whatnot book of spells- written in the Elven language of magic, this book contains many of the spells Syre can use. Light, fire, and earth magic- the three magics that Syre can use. Biography:Syre lived in a small Elven village for the first 75 years of his life, until the town was burnt down by some raiding party, which was destroyed by a group of the towns mages, including Syre, who was studying as a mage. After this incident, Syre began to hide his face, taking on small jobs, like helping a small group get past a bandit infested area, and whatnot. Misc: Just don't ask why his face is hidden.