[hider=Character Sheet] [img= http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wNcBOVIfy6A/TA7kquxiwRI/AAAAAAAAAL0/Ayhy92u1PWM/s320/Sean+Faris+1.jpg] [I]6 feet. Muscular, yet lean build.[/I] [b]Name:[/b] Zed Vaine [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age/Year:[/b] 15 [b]Power:[/b] Zed's abilities are something you would call 'Body/Bone Manipulation', as his skin, flesh, muscles, and over-all self stretches, tears, and reshapes itself into the weapon, appendage, or object of the boy's wild imagination. Because of the odd control he has over his body, Zed's standard attributes are naturally enhanced - he's stronger, faster, and a Hell of a lot more durable than normal humans. He usually utilizes his own bones for weapons, ways of movements (E.G Bone wings from his back), or things of that nature, while using his 'flesh' manipulation for more...subtle and odd things, such as extra arms, or turning his own arms into long, spiky tentacles, or even transforming his body into a sick replication of a jelly fish, or squid. [b]Hero or Villain:[/b] Definitely a villain. [b]Personality:[/b] Zed's entire body gives off a sinisterly bad vibe. He's usually quiet and serious, sitting by himself when it's not mandatory to interact with others, but keen eyes are always looking over and analyzing everything around him, not giving anyone a chance to sneak in and 'mess him up'. He doesn't bother with silly theatrics, and whenever the usage of his powers are necessary he goes in directly, attacking with controlled brutality and an odd finesse that obviously makes him live up to his 'Villainous' title. He's an over-all chill guy to be around - maybe a little abrupt and cold, but as long as you don't piss him off, which is pretty easy to do, but hard to realize, then you'll be on his good list. To put it in simple terms? Cold, calm, observational, and relatively friendly if he respects or likes you. Zed has nothing against the 'Heroic' types, but tends to find their overwhelming kindness, or will to be good, a tad...annoying. Not to mention his parents' manipulation to make him hate all of humankind. He doesn't, of course. Maybe a little. [b]History:[/b] Zed was originally born to two of the more...unmerciful, serious Villains, 'Skeletore' and 'Flesh-Warp'. They were notorious years ago for being some of the few villains who actually killed other human beings, but they were also two of the most mysterious, only coming out as their aliases and not giving a clue to who they really were. After their reign of Villainy ended, they adopted the aliases of Mr. and Mrs. Vaine, quickly climbing the corporate ladders and becoming CEO's and Owners of the Business 'Vaine Industries'. They lived a happy, upper-class life...until they had a son, which they quickly named Zed. He had a mixture of their powers, and although they had to...deal with the doctor once Zed accidentally stabbed the man in the eye with a sharp fingernail, they instantly took to their baby, teaching him the ways of the villain and having him study, and train, to keep his powers controlled and sharp. Zed didn't have much of a social life, staying in his parents' manor and either studying or practicing, but he quickly adopted his mother's cold, concise, and brutal attitude, while keeping a shred of his father's wickedness and witty, chilled, and slightly sarcastic sense of personality. When it was time to go to Sky High, he quietly left after giving his parents a handshake, internally eager to get the school over with. [b]Other:[/b] Your 'Hero' or 'Villain' title will be announced during the 'training course' by Coach Boomer.[/hider]